The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

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men and therehy insinuated the1m:el\"es into suffici<'nt. practice to keep them from hetomill" becmars. But where we find one o[ them suc- l'l'edin(l' i;o 1Hlmiral;iY a t this we discover a dor.en others lounging nbout 0 with their 'jefone bellies without nny employment- at all- Xow I ,·iew with due conuni~eration the miserable situation or thc:-:e unhappy bein~~ nnd would advise them with nll the sinc~rity of an_ honest henrt to learn some reputable trade or in the "bitterness or souF' to hang them~eh-es- As tlull and lethargic as they really are yet. I must candidly acknowledge that I believe the most of them haYc sufficient capacity by long study & industry to acquire a tolerable Knowledge of the most of trades & if they could not succeed so well as to carry on a shop by themselves they may labour Yery well as journeymen. How much better would it be for a pctifogger instead of heming & stammering at the bar at such a rate that would cost a ~chool boy many a whipping to be learning the tayloring business or applying him~elf to the Blacksmith's trade- They might learn by the one how to "cut their coat a,qreeably to /.hei,r cloth" & by the other the)' would fulfill the divine law that man "slrnll lii:e by the sweat of the brow" It is indeed truly surprising to me how so many of those profession~} llun<:<'s have th<' courage to nttemt to practice law in a court of judi- cature- l should suppose they would be detered from showing their stupidity & imbecility when they see so many of their cotemporary brethren daly falling victims to the arrows of ridicule But what is there that vanity & self conceit will not attempt- These are the principle ingredients of our modern lawyers And a fro~ in possession of the noble quality once attempted to swell himself to the magnitude or nn ox & bursted And such will be the ultimate fate of the·multi- tude or arogant self conceted upstarts who thron~ our courts & dis- grnce the profession I. Endorsed :] Lawyer~ Xn. G9. EDlTOTU.\L: "GOVERNOR TROUP'S AD~nKISTRA- TION." LAMAR~ [Milledge,·ille? Georgia, 1827] :\~ gorernor Troup is shortly to close the arduous & responsible cl11t1t•~ of th<' Oflice that he now holds, and like the roman Cincinatus rrtire to the tranquility of private life, it may not he improper in us a <·onducior of II Public Journal, to take a slight review of his four yrars· :\dmini~tration. We invite our readers to an attentive perusal of our remark!!, and humbly hope the time thus devoted may not be nnprofiinbl_,· spC'nL Than Govr. 'l'roup no man has been more tenacious of hi!- c01111tr.r's rif!hts and pursuecl the "eneral weal with more dis- i11tPrC'::tr,l l!ati:iot_i~m, ~ncl yet never was a public character opposed with ,o nrn,·h nnd1e:t1re nol!'nc·e or ahusccl with so mtH:h unfeeling, cold- hl11111\r1l nrnli('('-Erery political doctrine that he has adrnncecl, hi~ l'HC'miP:: harr c·ontrowrteil, ancl e,·Ny mcarnre that he has rccom- 11w11dl•1 l. tlw_,. hare exmr,l their :-treti!!th to 1lefeat-There is no di~- gn:-:iin~ epithet in the ,lialet·t of Bil\i11gs~ah• that has not been applied

'..\noth<'r nrlk·lr on f:ol'l'rnor Troup',; udministration, Ji,-ted in the cnlenclnr a~ ~11. ;o. A11011~·111ou~. ha, fndecl berond kghility.

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