Fihouhl the government in either of its clepartments require an E:1:prrss rider permit me to name a. Mr illorr.-u,ood as a very suitable person- I intended to hnve hail the plPa:-ure o[ seeing you this cveng but the Senate hold nn pvening session which precludes me- in great haste Your:-: &c &<' BunNF.T [ Au dressed:] His Excellency 1\I. B. Lamar [Endorsed:] )lr Burnett 1,ith Jally 18:H) Recommcnclation &C. No. 1007. BENJAl\lIN C. FRANKLIN TO LA:\JAR Houston 14th .Tany 1839 To his Excy. "i\L B. LAMAR . I leave this morning with your Excellenc_ys permission for the United States of the North. Unforseen circumstances 0Yer which I mav have no control-may preYent my return in time to hold the spring ·Terms of the Courts in the 2d Juell Dist-In the event that I am detained and· do not return by the last of February- Your Excellency will permit me to tender a Resignation of the office of District Judge, and request the appointment of some suitable person to fill the vacancy occasioned h_y my absence in order that there may be no failure of justice and no unnecessary delay to parties litigant. I am very respectfully BENJAMIN C. FRANKLIN [Endorsed:] Hon. Benjamin C. Franklin Houston 14th January 1839-
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Houston Texas. Jan 15th. 1839.
To His Excellency "i\l B LAM.AR. Srn I have seen in the "act to provide for the protection of the Northern and Western Frontier" that an Engineer was to be ap- pointed by the President to lay off a military roacl from the Red River to the Nueces.- If no g~ntleman has been designated for this service 1 would most respectfully pre5e11t myself for such inYestigntion into my ability to Exec·uie the llut_v of an engineer as your Excellency shall rleem proper. I was attached to the Topographical service of the United States under Col Long, anrl ha,·e been engaged in actual cluty of the nature of that contemplated in the ~eYenth Section of this act. I have letters of intro(luction and recommendation which if neces- sary I will produce. J hare thr honor to he Your most oheflic.>nt Servant. · R.1nc 1.1FPE Hunsox I Acldrei::,pt]: l 'l'o Hi~ Exc·Pllency 1[ R Lamar. fEndor:e;ed :l Ba1lc·liffp Hwl,:un..:. Houston ,Jan_v. 1 f)th 1839-En- gineer Dept-
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