services have been acccptahlc to the people of the County who have had _business to transact connected with my office Your favorable and earl.Y action on this matter will much oblige Your l\Io Oht Servt JNO. ALEX. NEWI.ANDS r Addressed : l 'l'o His Excellency The President I Endorsed :·1 ,1 A Newland 9th. Jany 1839 Applications &c Not Pub &c No. 1001. ASHBEL S)IITH TO LAMAR [Houston Texas, Jan. 10 ?] 1839 To His Excellency :;\lm,\UEAU B. LAl\L\R. President of the Republic, Sm, 'l'o you ns Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the Re- public, I have the honor to submit the accompanying letter-it being the copy of one sent to the Chairman of a Select Committee of the Hon Senate 011 a mat.ter touching the honor of a Soldier and officer under your command.- It is submitted to you for the purpose of illustrating some testimony which has been laid before your Excellency on .this matter. I have the honor to be most respectfully Your Excellency's Obedient Servant AsHBEL SMITH Surg: Gen: Texas No. 1003. G. W. HILL TO LAl\JAR Representative Hall Jany. 11th 1839- To His Excellency l\L B. LA1'£AR, Sn: l am requested to say to you on the part. of Col: James Smith, that he having been detained here, for fh·e or six weeks trying to have his Ackt: adjusted & a Joint Resolution having passed both Houses of Congress for his relief, that the earliest attention you can give it, will be recd by him as a great favor he wishing very much to retire to his family as early as practicable. they being exposed on the Frontier, Yrs. truly &C. G. w. IltLL
i ' I' I
[Addressed:] To His Excellency l\L B. Lamar fEndorsed:J J W Hill Houston Jany 11th. 1839 No. 1006.
[Houston] Monday e,·eng 14 Jany- [1839]
I am solicitous that Capt Stansbur~- should lul\'e some appointment to the Civil depart. If the Comptroller's Office will be Yncant nnd you have not otherwise disposed of it, I think it would be well con- ferred on him- His Wife (n very amiable womnn) is a sort of con- nection of mine-at nny rntc 1 fer! n warm interl'St in her behalf nod I believe he ·is worthy of the appt. I solicit-
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