The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

I'., ri-;1::-; oF .\f 11:.\1:"1-:.\l· Bn1x.u•.,1!TE L.DI.\I:

Irr 1,y the t rcat_y of St-. I ldPJ°on,.:o in ll-WO: and ecd(•cl lir Fra1H·e to 1111• U11iti:>d States lw the C'c:-:,.:io11 trcah· of 180:L B\· th" ·trc•at\· or !~<JO. Hpain re1101tlll"(•«°I all pn·t1•11,.:ions t;i any part or" L11uisia11a ·a,., c·laimecl liy Fra11,p: :111d 1·1•rtai11ly --:IH• (·:1n11ot tl11•n•,·o:0 :-=t·~ up any ju,.: L c·lai111:< lo an_\· poriio11 of Loui,.:i:111:1 :1,.: c·(•dcd liy Fr.t1w1• sul,.<1•q111•11tl_,·. Oeta- :-:io11al 0(:1·1111:11H'.Y liy Spai11 oi' :111_\· p:irt o[ Texas did not :<cc-nrc her tiJIP to po,.::-p,.:,io11-parti1:11larly w1 1 P11 that o<.:e11pa11c·_r wa;; rrcqu011tly 1li1,l11rli«-d liy the ,.:11li:-ti111tio11 ol' the lawful pos:<c;-sor:- from lt•gitimatc diseo\·cn· and sPltlC'111P11t: all(I when it \r.ts wltollr for(•!!onc IJ\· the treaty of IHOO-whic·lt prcscn-0cl illlcgrall_y to .Fn1n<.:c al 0 l the i·egiun l,pt-.,·<'en thC' l:io dPI :\ortc and th<' i'cnlido; ancl. if lo Franc:e, then also to the t·nit<'d State;;. •\nd when a11y territory lictome:- the· propert~• or the Gnited :-iiate;;, therp i:-: no pr0\·i,.:io11 i11 th<' c·on:-titniion by which it can he alienated to a f'on•ig-11 powN. 'L'lw pulilic lands may be dispo:::etl or (sec const. :.lei art. ,.:ed. :~) ll\· 1·011~1·cs:- to 1:itizc11s: but the constitution itself is not lo Jip 1·1111stn1~•d ;-o · a,: to pr('_j11ditc any c·laims of this ronntry to propPri·y or pos:ac:-sio11,-. Any nliC'11atio11 of territory without n con- VP11tio11 or tli<' ~tatn:. i:-: 1111(·onstitutional: the trcatr o[ thr :\lonroe administration in 181!), c·Ptling to Spain all the regi"on south west of rmutilatccll rin' r, is Ull("Ollstitutional.• rnicl and of 110 rtfect . . . rmutilatccl I Yirtually and cousiiLntio11rilly the property . r mutilatt>cl I No. !);-r1. LE\rIS IT. SANDS TO LA:\IAR

GrePn Castle Indiana Jan~• 1. 18:39


You will excuse m<' in ;:olicitincr an answer to this letter when mu mulcrstan<l the tenor of the san~c. r. hin-e hecn a resident of this siate a11d County for the lm:t Fifteen _Years nnd feel cli;:po;:rd to locate myself in your Rcpnhlic. 1 c-ame to th<' t·onnt_,· a memhcr of the mili- tary ncaclem!· at \\'rst Point . . . r l'acled] [ wa;; appo!ntcd Lt Col Govr after :"Pn-i11g 5 years resigned that nppoi11t111cnt wns ap- pointccl J>o:c:t \la,-kr a11cl scnC'cl ns ,:uc·h untill now, lieaing Fourteen yl'ar,; acting· I' :\I. in ti\(' yenr,.: 11':!2 & a T sen·ed as rcpr0:;cntatiw for thi,.: County in our ~Hate Le~islaturc · Since 18:.l-1 I have acted as n;::;istant Indian A~cnt and Emkratc1\ all the Indians taken from lnclinna, while prrfo~ming my (lntie:; a;: Rn<'h nssistant in JS;31i T was nncxpectedly appoin!Pd hy the :-;t•t·. of \Yar Snprri11tC'1Hl<'11t of threC' Trihes of Inclin11s the Chip;: Otts nnrl Pottawntamics, with the Conti1111ous ~alnn· of Two Tltow;,inrl Uoll1tl's per .-\111111m a111l nil my Expcnccs paid hy the Go\·t. T hare Emi.~rnt<'cl tho;:c l1Hlia11s to Counl'il Bluffs ancl h:ffc lntrh· retur1wd hmnr, n111l lta\·e r0.:-:ig11ed tht' ,-aid appoinlml•nt_. T wn:c: a 1m,-111li1'r· of ti\(' Bal,imon· Co11rP11tio11 that 110111i11atecl our prC':::c•nt l'rP"t & Yi<·<' pn•,.:t 111111 l'l'•·d that appointlllC'll t rro111 Ihl' :--hilt• Co1t\"(•lltio11 111,· r·,u·h• Col .Ja11u•,: 11. Jlnok U. S A and C'ommi-.::-arr of suli:-i,.:t11111·1• :-;1atio1w1I nl \\"a:-:hi11!!· ton City may proh,tl,ly IH• k11,;w11 to you. I 11:1\"l• l\rn Br11th1•r,- in llll' F. S. ;\a,·y. a;: l"l',<f>t•(•t,: thn:<(• fad;: l'('latill!! to lll_\">'('lr I will n•f1•1' yu11 lo l'Cf>Ol't~ or tlif' l11di1111 llt•p:tl'tlll('III p11lili:-:ltl•tl 1,y 11rdt•I' 111' Co11gT1•--;: tl1t• n•_porl,: ol' thP I'. (Hlic·t• l>t•pl wlwn• yon will lind my 11a111t•. .111.l

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