The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



truth- 'l'he necessity then of a rcsitlent Notary Public at our Town must be forcibly apparent to the Exet"utin• . The subject is therefore respectfully presl.'nted to ,rnur consideration, with a Confident hope that the inconv<.>lliell(,e will bl' remedied- Should your Excellency deem it proper & ju:-t to make an appointment the Represcntafo·es from Brazoria County, one or whom will lie the bearer of this communication will nume son1t• indi\'i,lual quali11cd to :fill the office With sentiments of high respect I beg leave to sub:;cribe mysel [ Your Excellency's oht. St. RonT. l\I FonnEs [Addressed:] His Excellency 1\-I B. Lamar President of the Republic of Texas [Endorsed:] Robert nL Forbes-without date- for Not Public No. 971. NOTES ON "THE LAWS OF NA'rIONS." LAi\IAR [Houston? Texas, L838 ?l Let one principle be kept in. mind, that it is not in the power of any assemblage of people or multih1de of men to resolve themselrns into a sovereignty or naiion upon exclusive principles of their own. Their organization and principles must be ac-corcling to the law and usages of cfrili7.ed nations, or they will be in the l11ng11agc of 1mtio11al law, pronounced barberous and wholly unentitlecl to recognition or re- spectful refcrrence. Nay the laws of nations has gone so far, as not only to pronounce suc-h a nation barberous, but to establish t.hcir con- dition as good cause of war against them, by civilized countries. Hence the high obligation upon us to give that organization and effect to our government as will strictly eomport in theory and practice with the law and rights of civilized 1rntio11s and thci r ci ti7.cns. In order to this its strict observance o( contracts a1~d ever? speeies of obligation bind- ing or in any wise falling upon us hy the prineiples and usages of nations should be most scrnpulously oh;;:erve<l, :irnl nclhcre<l to. For the principle of justice nn<l good faith is more important to a nation than property, immunities or any other policy whatever. Hence the mighty maxim, that justice should be done though the Heavens fall. You will therefore in all your acts and intercourse with reference to other soneignties and their citizens ob!;ene the faith of contracts and all legal and equitable as well us moral obligations, with that nohlc & comprehensive view which elevates a nation and endear it to its neigh- bors and the world. More especially now when a national character is to be formed and when recognitions and treaty relations with other countries nre sought for. [Endorsed:] Laws of Nations &C No. 974. P. L. ,TACKSON TO LA~TAH [Columbus? Georgia? 1838 ?] To the President of Texas DnSm it would betray a want of knowledge of your character to suppose it were requisite to bow to the usual form of "permit me Sir," &c- in

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