The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

P,\r1ms oF :i\Iuum-;,\u Bl'o~.\P,\RTE LAMAR



Montgomery [Texas J Deer 28 1838

General )[ B LDun

Prrside11t or the Hepublic of Texas DEAR ~IR

\\"ith the mrost sin]cere pleasure I offer my respcctfull felicitations I II pon ·1 your a,-,-;11ming thP government o[ the people of 'rcxas . . . r mutilatrd] that grrat and most perma11cnt good will result there- l l'ro111 l-a11cl in this must wr also felicitate oursel\'es- To be great awl good is the highest attribute of humanity and I" do so re~anl you- As an humhle iudiYiclual wending my way through life without am- bition this tribute of my respect and regard will I trust Dear Sir be reccved as meant, antl while [ alway recollect with pride and pleasure that f was the first organ throu~h whose medium the . rmuti- latrd] then recipient, receved the profer, "and . . [mutilated] scn-ic·e,'' and "idrntity of interest with her fate-reiterate my felicita- tions to the people whom you goYcrn- At this same time permit me to acquaint you with the fact of our being without the Notary which Congress contemplated should be ap- pointed in every County Our Chf Justice resides at some distance from the County seat and frequently papers require authentication when he is not here- The offices of count)' clerk is one ol' but . rrnutilatedl in- come in this c-ounty- it is filled by a [muti':1tecrj man of much c-haracter and ability-and on [whom] if the office of Notary was confered-would be [a great] pleasure to his friends, who number the entire Community Will you permit me to ask your consideration of this matter- And to accept my most Sincere resp.ect & good wishes CHARLES B STEWAHT r Addressed :] To his Excellency :\[irabeau B Lamar President of the> Republick of Texas Houston !Endorsed:] C. B. Stewart ofontgo_mery Deer 1838


No. D66.

rcolumbia? Texas, Dec.? 1838 ?l

His Excellency l\I B. LDL\R Sm

I beg lc>ave to represent on on [sic] the part of the Citizens of Co- lumbia, that in eorn.:equence of the want of a Notary J)uhlic, the_v nre frequently subjected to a ,·cry serious inc>onvenience occnsione<l b_,. the delay and difficulty of transacting rcciuiring a Notarinl Act. Your Excellency is no doubt mrare of the importance of Columbia as a place of husiness- fndecd to sn~· t.hnt the> amount of business trnns- actecl there in the recc>ipt or :\fereha1Hlise & the :-:hipnwnt of Cotton and other productions of the tountry, far e.xcerds that clnllf• at all other poi11ts on the Ri\"C•r, would he :-:tric:tly within ilw honnds of


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