P.\PEH~ OF )Irn.,r:,,:.\li nco);,\l'ARTE LA)[AR 223 Army to he Raised for the frontier- And permit me al:-o to inform you .that I nm personally acquainted with him and know him to he ac·quaiutcd with the \Vc!:'tem frontier- [ do thcrel'orc Heeomrnenrl him to ~·our Exc:ellc11c'.r\: crn1!-i,leration l i·C'main ,·our oLeclient Scrvent ., t: HEE:\ l.fEF F1:;K I AddrcsSC'<l :l To IT is Exccllcnc\' the President IEndorsccl :l Grer11lent' Fisk Dec. 17/:38 No. 93'1. ANTONIO CANALES TO LAi\lAR rTraw;lntion from the Spanish]
Reynosa, December 17, 1838.
3d Division of the ) Federal Army- )
To His Excellency the Hon. President of the Republic of Texas. MY DEAR Sm. Since the 3d ultimo these towns of the North have pronounced them- seh·es in favor of the Federal System. 'fheir movement has made rapid progress and I do not doubt that it will be favored by the Re- puLlic within a Yery few days according to the events which have been taking place without interruption within these last few days. The flight to which we put the Cavalry of the fortress of i\Iier: the dis- tress with which we continuall_v harassed them, until obliging them to go thence the forces situated in Camargo and Reynosa doing the same thing: the complete triumph attained at Tampico by the liberal Troops over those of the Government the 30 of November last: the perfidious surrender of the fortress of lilua aud the Plaza of Veracruz made to the French on the 28 of the same, altogether has revived the en- thusiasm of the Mexicans and finally has resulted aecordi ng to con- firmed reports which I have received from the interior, in the [de- termination] to sacrifice themselves rather than to suffer longer the military despotism. The cause of liberty is going to triumph unques- tionably and those People and ours will very soon return to their former close relations. On account of this flattering outlook for the future I have not hesi- tated to congratulate yon beforchnnd and to ask that on your part you furnish us i11 that Republic the protection which for their security is imperiously demanderl by those iutcrcsts which we hnvc abandoned by taking up arm;;:. Wicked men taking advantage of our laudable devotion C'an rob anll betray them there. For that reason 1111<1 in- duced by the principles of justice which your Supreme Go,·crnmcnt from its birth has shown and followed I take the liLerty of requ<'siing that you have the ki11dnC'~;. to direct: that all the inhabitants of thl'5e town~ who may go to those villag'C'i- to sell Uor;.es and mules. may Le arrel'tccl if they do not carry the conc;;pondin/! passport si~11P<l hy me or by the p<'rson to whom I give the authority hC'forchan<l tc, rr1·0.~11iw it, taking cog-nizance of the interests whic·h may inkr th,, unc who goes and which mny not np1war in till' indieat<'d pn:-sport, Hilt ii lw may dispose of snid interC'sts: p1·c•,·iom: notice lun·in~ IH•<'ll g·in'll you with the umlcrstnnding that l will pay nnd be n•.,pon,-ihlr for t hr l•o,:ts
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