applicants of equal capacity one a forreigner and the other a citizen should apply for the same office, 1 should at once and that without reflection Jn10w how you would decide the matter, I do not ask the appointment that I may convert my power to speculating on the coun- try by crying down its currency-and therC'h_y renclerillg weaker its already feeble :resources but it is that I may discharge the duties as- signed me with honour to my country and credit to my self, and further get for suC'h services such perquisites as the law intitles me to I know that you will properly appreciate my motive; and excuse me if 1 have asked too much of you for we are liable to gross error, and frequently put a higher estimate on our own abilities than they are jnsty intitled to, this may be my case if its please pardon my errors. I would be both false and foolish if I were to say that my only desire was to serve my country without interest to my self, I shall urge no such doctrine if there were no Salaries or perquisites our country would be without officers my object is to serve my country faithfully and in return to be paid for my services, I am with great esteem yours most obt servant, GEO. w. LIVELY [Addressed:] Genl M B Lamar President of the Republic of Texas [Endorsed:] Lively for N. 0. consul Geo. W. Lively Dec. 15. 1838 No. 928. NORMAN, STEEL & CO. TO LAMAR New Orleans Deer. 15th 1838, To His Excellency Jf. B. LAMAR, President of the Republic of Texas We take the liberty of presentil1g to your Excellency, a Knife which bears the impress of the Star of Texas upon one of its blades with the words "Texas Congress Knife" indicative of its use similar to the one now used in the Congress of the United States, but far superior and more beautiful; this Knife has been much admired in this Country, and been complementre·]d, in connexion with the "Young Republic," by the Press of Great Britain, It was manufae:turrcl to our order by ·Messrs Rodgers & Sons o:f Sheffield, England, expressly for our Stationary establishment in this Citv '\\re respectfully beg -your Excellency acceptance and the Honor of subscribing ourselves, Your Excellency, )Tost Obedient and Humble Servauts NonMAN, STEEL & Co rAddressecl :] To His Republic of Texas, Excellency 11. B. Lamar President of the fEndorsed :] Dec. 15. 1838 Norman, Steel & a Knife Co Compliment with No. 931. GREENLIEF FISK TO LA1VIAr.. Houston Repre~(•ntati\·e Hall Deer 1, th 1838 To his excc11cnc·y the President of the Republic- Permit me to Hecomencl to your Excellency Capt V. R. Palmer now of Bastrop County who is <lesireous of a Commission in the Regular
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