PAPEns OF l\lrnABEAl' Ill·ox,\PAP.TE LA)fAR
No. 926.
ASA. BRfGH.tUl TO LA1IAR Treagurer':-: Ollice 1 fouston Dec 15. 1838.
lJ i,;; Excelle)l(·y the President RESPECTED Si i:,
Permit me to 1·011gratulatc _you, (whieh I do must cordially) on l,pi11.~ cJp,·at1.·d to the higl1est i-:tation in the gift of a free people. The disti11g-uislwd gc11tlcrne11 who ham uee11 imitecl to the Head of tl1P different Dt•partments, from their known ability, i11tegrity, and moral worth, will give general coufide11ce, and satisfaction both at home, nil(! nuroad-and [ ha\'C every reason to believe, tr1e great re:-;ponsii.Jili- tic::; which materially dernh-e upon the Executive-the arduous duties- will iu u great degree be rendered pleasant, by these selections. 1 h,we the honor to inform you the affairs of my oflice, are ready for examination-the books arc up, and the vouchers properly filed. In the meantime whate,·er communications, or enquiries you may be Jilea:-:Pd to make i11 regard to my Bureaux, shall receive my prompt attention. Accept the assurences of my highest consideration, & Respect A. . Burn H.\l\[ 'rreasurer. r Addressed:] His Excellencv :Mirabeau B. Lamar Present [Endorsed: :J A. Brigham Treasurer Deer 15. 1838
No. 927.
Houston Deer 15th 1838
Gen! LAMAR Srn if I am not presumtious will you permit me to ask a favour at your hands? arnl that farnur is the appointment of Texas Consul at N Orleans. [ am will aware that I have 110 claims either upon your Honour, or the go,·ernment, but presumcing upon your, generousity, & a desire to forward the interest of your own citizens I make bold to present m.,· P4?tition It is True that I h,we not rendered any dis- tinguishccl Serriee to Texas, hut I arrfred here at a time when there was no field open, for any such sen-ic to be rendered, aud co11sequent1~, could not have as high C'laims upon "the country as others, who Took Part in her strnggles, nnd assisted in achie\'ing the independence of Texas. That may be my misfortune and not my fault. If you should think me competent to discharge the dutie of Consul and worthy your confidence, you will confer great fornur on me by giving me that appointment, as it will assist me greatly, in accomplishing my ohjerts in N Orll•ans: my pPctrniar_,· interest requires me to take up my residence in N Orlenns 1111d remnin There most of m_v t.imc. and if I could gPt the appointment of con::;ul at that pince I wonl«l spend as much time there as tlw duties of office would r4?qnire should it be the whole time I nrnk<> tliis reque;:t. without knowin~ whdhcr you appro,·c or the pres4?11t <·onsul or not. or without knowin~ whrtlH•r you h11,·c disposed of tlH' oflil'P to some other applicant. I am informed that it is not contrnry either to usunge or law to appoint Fon·4?igners to 1li,:eharge the <luties of c·onsul, upon that subjl'Pt I will only sny that if Two
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