The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



glorious day, ancl the fore-runner of mauy succeeding institutions of a similar nature the tendency of whid, will be, to improve the mind and nwncl the heart, antl the circumstance,.; which withold him at the pre;:e11t, from contriliutiug his mite arc therefore painful in the ex- treme- In conclusion, he begs yon sir to express to the Society his warml',:t aelmowledge111e11ts for the honor c:011 fcrrc<l upon him, and to those \,·ho may assemble to listen to what he might offer his thanks for their kindness, and his regret that circumstances beyond his con- trol ha,·e compelled him to forego the pleasure of meeting them. 1 have the honor to be with seutiments of the highest regard Your mo obt Sevt D. s. K\UFMAN r Aclclrc,:,:e1l :·I To the. Hon. iiirabeau B . . Lamar President of the Texas Philosopl1ic,il 8ociety [Endorsed:·! D S Kaufman Present 23 Nov 1838 No. S!Jl. ARTHUR HENRIE: ANNOUNCING OPENING OF HIS AGENCY 2 j [Broadside] [New Orleans, La., about Nov. 25, 18381 TEXAS. The nuclersigned was appointed to examine the ;:ur\'eys made for the Colonists in Burnet's, Vehlier's, r sic·! and Za\·aln's colonies, beforeā€¢ deeds were executed to them for the land they were entitled to, by- emigrating to the c:ountry; and was also legally authoriled b_y a power of attorney, to sign the Empresario's names, and ham titles perfected in the above grants, or colouies. His undivided attention to the business, having given him an oppor- tunity of knowi11g the rnlid titles: he now offers his senil'es as agent to those who waut to sell or buv lands in Texas. Warranted deeds will he given to purchasers, as 110,·sales will be made by him where the title~ to the Janel is tlonhtrul, an,l thc> owner is not willing to guarantee the title by whi('h he conveys the land. He will nlso examine titles to la11<ls in thP abore Colonies; nnd give certificates, if found correct. His office is . . . pilank·I wlwrl' he hns the land laws of Texas, for the use of those who will read thei11 in his office. Pees on nil sales not amounting to 5,000 dollars, ·w per cent.; over fiw 1111<1 under ten thousand, 15 pn rent. On nil i::al<'s whid1 amount to more than t<'n thousand dollars, 10 per cent. For each certificate, one hundred doll:u:-:. He is authorized to sell fi ft_y thousand acres, and take 'l'exas money at par; a few lengues for goods, aud twenty thousand acres for lumber, to build hou::;es on Gnlveston Island, and in the City of Hou,:ton. '!'hose lands were selected by colonists, am! among the fir1-t locations. Title;, in his ollice for inspection. Payment on nil sales, to be mnrle to the Commission ~lerehant, or .-\g('llt of the owner. AHTHUII II E'NHll-~

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