The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V


P.\P1-:11s 01,· ~l11uur:,,u BuoNAPARTE L.Dun

knowlcclge of the foct that the voice of Sabine County nsk for the ap- pointment of William P. Wyche to the office of chief .Justice. J. ~[ J-f .\~SFORD [Addressed:] Hon. John )[ Hansford City of Houston Rep. Hall Texas rEnc1orsec1 :] Wm J. Anderson for Collector No,·. :J. 18:rn


Selma Ala~ Novr. -Ith. 1838

His Excellency l\L B. LA)lAR Esqr. Dn Sm,

I cannot permit so favorable an opportunity to pass, without obtrud- ing-a few remarks to au old and much valued friend;- Which will I trust have a tendency to keep alive that regard on your part, which I shall never cease to feel. In the train or providential occurrences, I have been two years a 'Widower, and separated from those family endearments which consti- tuted the solace of my life; am here pursuing the practice of my pro- fession, in a section of country two healthy to make it lucrative. -The unparallelled rapidity with which Texas is populating, opens up a field of entcrprir.e, unknown in any other section, ancl invites to its shores, all such as expect to realir.e by industry and perseverance, a sufficiency for them!'clvcs and posterity. Your government must be considered as now settled; and this, will give an impetus to the tide of emigration, which will very soon cover the fertile plains of Texas with a popula- tion of the first respectability. I have strong thoughts of transferring my residence to your country, as affording a better prospect of making something for my children; and preparatory to this step, have long desired to ham answered, a few enquiries, which bear upon that determination. ::\ly attention has been particularly directed to Houston; and if you can possibly, spare the time, from more important duties, to drop me a line by the return of Genl. Lawhon, you will confer an obligation which will ever be remen1bered. · I wish to enquire first; What is the probable resident population of your place? Secondly its healthfulness? :3rd. Is there any regular Drug Store there? Ancl -Ith. The number of Physicians? ::\Ty Son fa desirous to emigrate, and to engage in the Dru~ business, and if I determine to come, shall expect to pursue my profession in connexion with that business. The political nspect or our Country rrmaim; as gloomy as ever: the System of misrule commc11ced by Genl. Jaekson, 1111cl pur:::ucd by Yan Buren, is likely to be c·ontinuccl hy hi,.: rr-elec:tion. if so, T nm willin~ to sever the ties whic·h heretofore connecter.l me with the l1111ll of m,· natiYity. You clicl right to with1lraw your petition for n t:Olllll'Xioi1 with this ,!!Over11ment: without a radical r·hange here yours will hr fur the best. Have the goodness to accept my most sinccrr wishes for your health

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