The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

21 ~

'l'EXAS f;T.\TE Lmn.\ l:Y


Shelbyville Texas Non. 3rd 18:38


District Court for Shelby County has just a<ljoumd. consequently I hnve to some extent become :H:qunintctl with ·'his Ilonor Juclge Branch" much to my surpriSl' l fo1111,l him lllodest and u11ai-,:umi11~ a11d in my opinion much of a gentleman- You k11ow what m.r surpri,.:e grew out of- He looks Yery youug, quite like a Doy-bnt conducts a court pretty well- But 110w to H enderso11's trial (for it w,1s from what l wrote him the (Judge) 011 that subject that brot. him to Shelby- ville) The trial commenced on Wednesday morning conducted by :Mr. Hubert District Atty and his magesty William (he -.l:t.h. in uchal f of the Republick and long -nosed Il£cks for the deft. so at it we all went after the witnesses were examined to arguing the cause events- the particulars of which I will tell you when I see you, suffice it to say the Jury returned a verdict of Justifiable Self dl'fence-no othe1· i:;uits of importance were tried- the Judge would suffer no suit tried where either of the parties was in the army hence none of your suits were tried- Henderson says if I will withdraw our suit from court he will secure our fee by giving a joint note which I intend to <lo if he tenders good security otherwise not-Noihing strange in the place since you left- Your children are well and going to school Gen. Bruster has returned. your horse to :Mt\ D's-on yesterday tho.- I am much fatigued and quite nervous hence you must not grumble about the shortness of my letter- Respectfully Your friend Wl\[ B HICKS P. S. sinre sealing my letter a comeri-ation between Judge Ander- son and myself has occurd. to my mind on the :-:ubject of Atty. Genl. for the Republick- One is to be made thi::; Session of Congress and it is quite probable Anderson will IJp a candiflate for the office if so I feel confident you will exercise a sound discretion on the subject- I feel confident Auclel'son's claims will be better, and preferable to any person's from the East- Judge Rains will I presume need nu stimulus on this subject- talk with ~Ir. Johnson on the subject if you deem it necessary- Yours truly lhcKs. I concur iu the above remarks of Mr Hicks in relation to Judge Wil- liam G. Anderi;on I have also learned that Col. Ke1rnet L. Anderson would greatly prefere the of-Tice of chief Justice to that of Collector of customs flll(l no 11ppoi11tment to girn greater satisfaction to the people of San Augustine c?unty-:- As_ c_ollccto_1: of cu:-:tums ,thl'~e:for~ I r<>r-romPnd tn vcm r ron,:1deration \\' 1 II 111111 h. 1mhro lat<.' ~hPntl of Sau Augustin cou.nty a bu,;:iness man an honest man uncl a soldier and your per,;onal frie11d. Hi,- appoint will be popular. . · The Chief Justil'e of Sabine has resigned as you will he officrnlly infol'mecl upon that subject in a fpw clays. l sny to you from personal

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