lwalU1 and a disposition ill a<lnptcd to the practice of Law ha,·c in- cl111 ·<·rl Ill<' to ah:11111011 it l'or a spason- I should rn11<·h like to spencl th" 11<•.xt two ur three ,·cars in the l:11it<·d States. and would like co urnil 111,,·~clf of your ki°nd11c,::s, ii' <·011siste11t with .,·our wir-:l1es a11d ar• ~·:111_'.!<•ll1Pnt,:: io ,·isit that Country a,; Secretary of Legation at \\"a"h- 111;rlu11- · Whill' :-1•n·i11g the C'o1111try i11 this capae;ity, the dec:idetl 11drn11tages of impro,·<'me11t all'onled mt• ,rould he so ;!l'eat as to make this an object o!' 110 little i11terest Pl.:-a:-:e addre:::s me at Velasco Yrs truly j ..\d,lrcsi-r.d :] Gen Lamar Houston Col. Bee I E11Clors ed :·I llenry P Brewster 27 Oct 38- To be Sec of Legation to US
No. 857.
[Houston? October? 1838] .J ndgc "·oodward for Sec·y. Treasury will be a very Popular appoint- ment. D. S. Kaufman for Atty. Genl. very popular I am com·inccd m,r· sell' that he is \\'HS rsic l uot gui [I] ty of the i11d iscretion nl fueled to in our former con\'crsations on the subject of his appointment I do not doubt his attachment to your person character and p:·inciples. His former proff<>ssio11s a11d conduct- his lnte proffc:;sions of attachment and afl'cctio11s for the President, made to me are satisfactory to me The Collector of Customs of San Augustin I unclerst:rnd upon good nutliority is not your personal or political friend. Col. Anderson~~ of that plaC'e is hoth personally and politically your friend- Very pop• ular- Capahlc Honest 1rnd would gi\'c universal safo,faction in that part of TP.xas a::; C'ollcC'tor These hast\' l'emarks arc matle with no other \'iew hut to afford nil the informatfo11 011 thest• :-uhjects and 11othi11g more II.\)<SFOUD
No. 858. "'l'EXA~.'' ANOXY:\IOU:-i
[October? 18:lSj
[Newspaper clippingl From the Globe
"'e understand thnt the Texnn ;\linister. on the 0<'1'n,.don ui ex1·h:111ging the rntificntion!I of the boundary com·ention lately pulili,-hed, deli\'er,•d to th,• .\t•t. ing Secrl'tnry of Stnte n note. in which. nftl'r ,;luting in iriendly t<·rms that nlthough, since the note of Mr. Forsyth, declinin:; the proposition submitte,I liy Texas for her a<lmbsion into the Union. the que,;tion of nnnl'xat.ion li:ul h,•,•n con,-idcrecl hy the united :-itnte!< C:o,·1•rn111C'nt a, liuully dbpost•tl oi; y,•t. in• asmud1 a,- the impression ll}'f'l'llre<l ,-till to n•main upon th1• }'Hhli,· 111i111l in lwth ,·ountrics that the )'l"e}'o,·itiun was ><till p,•111li11g. lw ha,! ht•eu i11,tr111'!1•1l lt_,. his C:o,·crnment to t·omm11nil'11t,• to tl1at oi the L·nitt-d :--tnt,•,- its formal 11111) 11hsol11ll' withdruwal of that )'ropo,-ition, \\.f' <'ongrat11lntf' Tt'xn::: on the final settlemP11t of tht• amwxation
"'P«otc in <lo1·ument.:] Amler,-on C'ollt•c·tur
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