(>_\PEits or ,!.i,.\Bl•:.\t" lko~.\P.\I:TE L.\.\I.\P.
.-\t this they elinch, like tig'cl's figliti11g. Kicking. !'l'ratching. /!Ollginl! hitin/!. Onir poti.; and pan;; tlwy stumhlC'. Now thP,\' ha,·e it r<mfth c111tl /umbfr. Tlw girls atrrigcltcd left the room. Their /orr·lt !'.~ lit. and ,:allied ho11ll'. J too in the drcaclful fh11-r,· Took fr,·,wlt f,,,11·c in grcat~,;t hun-y.
Ah. had!,\' doth the world n•qnite
The 1·111-rier"s labor aml hi;; ,cit. His fate i11deed is so s<',·eri~
FI<' nc,·er ,-miles but once a y<•ar. He cracks a. joke on New-Year's day For which he gets dam'd little pay. If it should rain or hail or !'lnow. He like a ticking wateh must go; ~lust take his old hcbclomadal round .--\n<I risk his neck 011 ;;lip"ry ground. For one to trudge thro11gh mud and mortar Now the town"s halffull of water I,- not so plea;;ant all 11111st know. Yct this t hC' earrier has to do: llut his sad case I won"t expose Nor rno,·e ,\'0llr pity with his woci<. For long recitals of his grief 1 fear would not produce relief. Do you at present something pay .--\ncl Ire in duty bound will pray This year may he a year of joy To Patrons and the Printer"s bov.- 80 from Parnassus' lofty height. Swift as the darting beams of light I with my courses do descend• .-\nd now upon my friends attend 1 n hope that they will not refuse To rccompcnec my weary "i\Iusc. Januar.'· I, 1822.
No. 4-1-.
[ 011 bac-k of aboYc broadside]
rcahawha, Alabama, about Ja11. I, 182'21
DE.\n Bnonrnn
I nm here in Cahaba, without any business, or likly-hood to obtain any, :;hortly- You neecl not be disappointed if you ser me ba<"k in Geo. again in a few week:-:, in great ha!-te yours &e )f. B. L .UI.\I{ I pt>n·d this HlldrP:-:-: in "with a rn11nin;r quill"~ for the C'ahawlm Pn•:-::-:- you will find man_,. typo_rp·aphic·al errors in thi!- :--:IIC'et , & a:-: man_v more error:-: ot' the head.-
\Ii:. Pnrxn,:1: I 11 Yom· fir~t pa 1w1· you :-:ol il·i t Pel tilt' laliuur:-: oJ' Li tPra ,.,. llll'n n 11(1 a:-: J' !;a,·p alway,- 1·011:-:idPl"t•d 111_\":--l'I f' to hr 011(' ol" tho,:p I h·aYr. i1('('1Jr(l-
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