The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



No. 825. C. W. BUCKLEY TO LA)fAR

Houston 3rd Octr 1838

Genl. LA:l\JAR. DEAR .Sm

The principal ohjcd i11 my ,·isit a l'rw eveninir:-: sill<'<-', was to r.on:-:ult you respecting the propriety of my stmlying Law. Being poor and the company at whose instance I came to the country not ha,·ing eommrnced business: cleferring it untilI they cnn place funds in Orleans to protect their circulation I was C'ompelled to go about something to make a living, (1\Iy funds being low) nnd sought and obtained my present situation, at n salary of !1;1200 per a111nnn. which I have no certainty of being able to retain under n new Secretary. And eYen should I retain it, I will not be prrparecl for any other kind of business by which I could live independent. Now having no other to whom I could feel secure in advising with f humbly seek your candid opinion upon the probability of m_y success by pursuing the following course attentively: viz From Ten till Four OcloC'k discharge the duties of my offiee faithfully and the remaincler of the time study diligently aud with a determination to surmount ewry obstacle, untill I can be admitted to the Bar. Do you think I can succeed by such a course? I mnke the appeal as a friend and ha,·e suggeste,l the plan to no other. I am conscious that the task will he 1111 arduous one, having to earn my daily bread while I endea,·or to obtain a laudable profession. But an assurance of ultimate success will he a sufficient reward, I am young and inexperi- enced, and will be governed by your kind advice, if you will condescend to bestow it upon one who will ever remember it. Relative to the Mining company, I have every assurance that it will yet go into successful operation, in which event I shall not need a pro- fession, but for fear of accidents, prudence tells me to prepare to live within myself. T will call on you ere long when I would like a long interview with )'OU. but touching the promiu<.'nt portion of this. I would be glad of your immediate reply. if it is not nsking too much at your hands- f have the honor to he Very Respectfully Your Frieutl C. \V. BUCKLEY. P. S. this is written in great haste please excuse errors- C W B r Addressed:] Confidential Genl. :'.\f. B. Lnmar Oak Grove Texas [Endorsed:] C l\1 Buckley 3 Oct. 1838 Asking Genl L's advice


Little Rock, Arkansas

6th October 1838

DEAR Sm, Eighteen years have nearly elapsed Since Since [sic] we had the pleasure of me0ti11g or corresponding. We were then boarding at Dr. Roberts at Cahawba Ala- and I was a student of Law with John Taylor Esqr now of this place who has been practising law here for the Inst two years, married an accomplished and interesting young latly of Kentucky of wealthy parentage & has

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