plicant, and notwithstanding every member of his Cabinet urged the appointment. besides Gen. Johnson, and numerous other friends, .Mr: President H oui;,to11 preferred to take his own course and obstinately re- fused to make the nomination, though told by the Senate they would confirm it- I will also a<l<l, which it is proper for you to know, that he has throughout been a warm and consistent friend of yours, and that he is entirrly ignorant of my intention to write you on his behalf- You are aware that it is the easiest thing in the world to get up a petition, and that a few glasses at a Doggery would get the signature of e,·rry man applied to; but neither 1lr: Duke nor his friends are partial to that course, they prefer that his claims should unostenta- tiously be presented you, and then leave the matter to your sense of right- I have the Honor to be Your friend & obt Servt S. RHOADS- FISHER- f Addressed:] Gen-l\Iit-nbeau B. Lamar Houston Col: Redd I Endorsed :] S Rhodes Fisher 2 Oct- 1838 To apt Duke Collector at .l\latagorda-
No. s2,1.
City of Houston 2nd. Oct. 1838
Gcul. L.ur.m, Sm,
Having been informed that ) 'OU were anxious to obtr.:n the services of a person qualified to instruct your daughter, in the various branches, of a general eel ucation. I take the liberty of stating that I would wil- li11gly undertake the char~e, I am a Graduate of the University of Dublin, and can furnish the most satisfactory testimonials of character & abilities. My wife is at present giving l\fusic le::sons in this City, and when required will in- struct in Drawin~ & Paintin~- I understarnl that you will requir~ a Private Secretary very shortly, and as I have considerable claims upon the gratitude of my adopted country, I beg lca,·e to offer my sen·ices, as I ha,·e a family for whom I am anxious to provide, nnd I can easily attend to the duties of Tutor & 8ecretar_y. To Doctor Shepherd, I refer at present }lay I request an answer as early as possible, since I am partly re: soh·ed to move to another part of the country, if I nm not fortunate enough to succeed in this my application I should have waited on you personally, were it not that I have no horse to ride out to your residence, and 1 am too weak at this time to ~valk so far, being only recovering from a long protracted and serious illness- l\Iy residence is at ~rrs. Loveridge's, on Travis St. wh<'re, any comm1111ication from you, shall meet with prompt attention With the highest respect ancl esteem I haYe the honor to Subscribe myself Your )fost Obt. Servant JOHN G ARUETT [Rubric l [Addrcs8ed :] General Lamar. f Endorsed: l John Garrett Oct 2nd. 1838 On Educating Daughter
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