TEX.\$ ST.\TE LI )1(1.\UY
a\nd in thrir <'Orner tnke their stand. The head onr of the grand prot'es:,;ion Hn,i gourd lidclle in po"s!'s><ion. On whi1·h in jolity 11ml fun. he Pin~-.,. old p11sso111. 11 JJ I l,r g11111 I rrc. Another on n long nerkcd hnngl'r, To tlll' delight of e,·ery stranger Thrums. olii rirginia 11c1,er tire Rat porrh rorn and lie by the Jirr. The ln"t not least nmong the band. Hold" "tirrup iron in hi:1 hnnd, \\"hic·h he rnttles with ll spindle, )Inking n delightful jingle. Enrh moYes hi~ head in dodging motion, And plays a tune, to his own notion, Producing music on the plan ~Iaintuin'd in Pop!''s Essay o,i Jiau, That discord is ( they prove it good) Sweet lrarmouy not 1111clcrstood. For the dam:e they now prepare; Ench beau lends out his gentle fair. Dr. Dunce in dexterous //01111cc Took the head with Betty Bounce. And l'orporal Crane and Putty Bland Quirk occupied the second stand \\'hilst Tony Grumbo. active chap, Hop'd 1111 next with Dorothy Snap And left poor Bibo in the lurch. To take the foot with Kittv Perch. .-\nd now they all begin to ·reel, High hounding on the sturgeon heel, The beaus exerting every spring To dance breza and pigeon wing, The girls as light as air balloons Fnndangoes cut, and rigadoons. No sooner than one reel is run, As soon another is begun. Thus on they danre1l with m1tin and might, Till 12 o'clock at least at night. .And would have danced, how long, God knows Had not a sacl di~turbance rose. Bekh and Sligo were two rivals, Cock'd and printed to fight on trifles, Both endeavoring to surpass, ln mark'tl altr11tio11 to :\liss Brass. The (·aptnin 1rr1l //re iritlest ro10. \\"hirh made poor Belch with dudi,:eon glow. Thi' latlrr went with smiling grin. s\nc\ n,k'1I :\Ii~~ Tab to dance with him, \\"hom ~ligo nftcrw,mli; engaged. ~ow thi,. the hcau so much enraged, That otT l1l' tnrncll in drenclful wrath, .\ncl drngµed hi~ happy rim! forth To ,t't•k npnn his trnrnv hide .·\ jn,t n•,·,·11g1• inr wo1;11de1l pride. Xu\\· ha1·k 1,i, m111t1111 li~t he drl'W, .-\111I in tlw 1·111,111i11s fol'!' it IIC'w. At whi,·h tlw rrim,on l'IIITl'III flow,: 111 1ln•allf11l tl11xio11 from th1• 1111,c. But ,:11011 onr :-liiw's ti,t h•t fly c\ mightr )'lllld1 i11 B1•h·hes C\"~. Then grn,1,i11g hol1l a ,tan• ~f onk lfr dro1 ,. t h1• µri111l,·r, dmrn hi,; thron t.
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