l'.\l'El:S oF .\111:.\flE.\t: Bt:o~.\I'.\1:n~ L.DI.\J:
Not f'larrctl aml ,.,pa11glc1l 1·011rls \\"lll'rn low-l,r1•cl ha~1•11c,,,- wn ft,; perfume to pride No- 11w11. l1igh-mi111lt•rl 1111•11. 1ll•II who tlu•ir tlutics k11ow. Out k11ow their right ... & k11owi11g dare rnai11tai11 thrm··
I E11clor:wtl :·I · Tndin11 l:t•lation:-: )filitia
Xo. 81"1. .J..-\".\1 ES ..\IOJWAN 'l'O LAiL\R
,','lrictl.11 c1111fid c11lfrtl.
.New Wnshington, [Texas] Sept 12th, 1838.
!\ I Y nE.\ n GE:'< L.
Inclo:-:ecl you will find a t·tmfidential eommunication, rec-ciYed from a friend in ~- York. wltieh I lay bc•lorc you at once. You will pcr- cci\-c> that I wa,; rcquestetl to tourh 011 the suhjeet, nncl see what you thought or th(' project &<·. But thi:-: shall ne\·cr he my motle of doing Lu::;inc:-:,, with .'/'•II: :-o I lny thc> affair open (conficlentinlly) for your consi,IC'ration. \\"ith :-ome people I i:hould not do this, but knowing you a,, I tlti11k I do, 1111,l knowi11g- myself too, and the feeling;; of my friends i11 the U S. toward:; you- their determination to support. your administration, with "s11cec/i., 1m·ss, nnd pen,'' I shall "·ithhold no in- formation I may gPt hold of, whieh I con::;icler importnnt to yourself, per:-:onally, or to your admi11i,,trntion. You are now in that situat.iou that t.hc mhicl' alld ,:uggestions of your known friends will not be deernecl ol,trn:::i\"e l hope. fm· we all feel that yon are going to ha\·e a glorious time of it, illnsmuch as yon haYe the support ot almost eYery ho11est nrnn. e\·ery mn11 of standing, talents or wealth in the Repuhlic, and out of it too, where an_v inh•rest is felt for the Country. You will step ill at a propitious moment-I say propitious, because your ad- ministration CHn ac·c-omplish what the last has failed in- a. loan, and a peace with .l!r.l'ico beyontl a doubt! I h,l\"e mnc:h to say to yon when we meet that I am unwilling to put Oil paper. Let me ltt•,u· from you. ~ay what you think on the subjf'<-t of the f'llClosC'd. ::--cntl it hnc-k to me. You may rely on my clisr-retion 011 all mattc1·;: : arnl rest assmed of my sinc·ere wishes, for your success and happiness, while I remain, .\lost truly & coi·dially, yours, J. )loHG,\K. Why can' t you come clown, nncl bring with you your sister, and little claug-htC'r, nnd spell(! n \\·eek or so with us? lAcldressecl :] Genl. )f. B. Lamar, Near, Hou::ton. Politness )fr. J. S. Preston · [Endorsed:] J :;\[orgnn N Washington Sept 12. ISaS. Prirnte
a l I
8..:DlUEL ..-\. ROBERTS 'l'O LA~IAR
No. 820.
GalYeston Sept 28th 1838.
l rf'c•cl n letter ll\· Rc>ttben from m,· father whieh j,; 1•n1·lo:-:c•d fur your pernsnl- Heuhen ·informs me that ·you snid Pn could han• thP liun:-:e whi<·h you nt prC'::;ent occ·upy for the· ,rinter. and upon that [ wrC'tc to m,· brother Joe to prC'parc imnwdintely for rcmornl, nml 11::; soon us he
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