PAPEHS OP )frnAnEAU Buo~APARTE Linr,\R 195 bu~inc::;s that has been profitable to him being a stranger in the country his funds may be exhausted in paying extraYagant prices for board. Shoulcl the in formation be correct that he needs assistance I would feel under particular obligations to you to Relieve his wants I intend coming out tl1c first of No,·ember and will refund you with Interest whatever _you rnay aclYance for him J haYe notic'tl the price current of Texas and I sec Lumber sells very high. I had an Idea of i:;hipping fifty thom,an,l feet to that )larket. If I c>ottld meet with reacly 8alc most of the proceeds I intend to in- vest in land:-. If you would write me on the subject aJHl giYe me your views I ~hall esteem it as a. particular favour. . I woultl again remark in relation to my son that I would not have tronblC'd vou had I have known where he was I would have remiited him money bv mail I am at a loss where to address a letter to him for I ha\'c n~t received a letter from him since June. I heard that he expected to go home with Genl. Tiusk should he be about Houston I wish yon to say to him that he is very negligent in writing to me. I nm desirous of knowing what kind of business he is e11gag'd in and where> he is located. We haYc no news of importance worthy your attention, there is a great pressure in the money market nnd the Citi- zens of the state \'Cry much inrnh·ed Numbers Running away and fleeing to Texas for refuge With high Respect Yours. .ANSELM BUGG f Addressed:] Genl. }l. B. Lamar Vice President of Texas, City of Houston. [Endorsecl :l A Bugg- Autauga Cty Ala 28th Augst 1838 To ad- vance Money to his Son
No. 803.
Athens Ga 29 Aug 1S38
Gen LAl\L\R DE.An Sm
I take the liberty of asking some information of you which will be thankfully received if rendered. I purchased some two years past while on a visit to 11[ob·ile some Texas Land scrip of Col Coleburn of that Country. I have not since that time been able to get nny satisfactory information in relation to the validity of scrip & the location of the same. This scrip was issued hy "The Colorado & Red river Land Co." Also other scrip issued by "The Rio Grand and Texas Lnncl Co" with the privilege of being located in two or either of two certain Grants known as the "Beales river Grant" and the "Woodbury Grnnt"- If My scrip is good for anything or if I can locate it I wish to come to 'l'exas in the Winter. Your attention to this will oblige Your Obt Svt- GEO. \r. nrxtl.\:\[ P S Plen~e ,lirC'ct yom letter to Riceboro Ga nllll to the Care of ?lfess R Goring & Co of New Orleans. f Addressed:] Oen. :'llirnbeau Lamar Houston Tf'xas [Endorsed:] George W. Dnnhnm Athens Geo 29- Aug-. 18:1S
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