The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



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The stage will leave here to morrow morning at 7 Oclock-be here at that hour if possible- It shall not leave you- I am as usual ha1ll_y off for money: but send you 50$ and regret 'tis not as many thousands- I haYe settled your stage fare- I spoke to )!rs D. in regard to Caroline- She is unwilling to take- her-for reason which l will, at a nother time, explain to you- I'm very sorry hut Could not urge it- Very Truly. ROBT EDEN HANDY Richmond July 13th l 838 I Addressed:] To Gen M B Lamar Long Wood Park Boy Bill. [Endorsed:] R E Handy 13 July 1838 respecting Money &c


Key West, Florida-4. Augt. 1838:__

l\I y DEAR GENL.- A vessel passing, affords me an opportuuity of dropping you a line, and I avail myst>lf of it, principally to comply with a request of Mr. Roberts, that I would forward to your care, a book which he has been anxious to get, but which could not he procured nt either of the Book Stores in New Orleans- lt is one which will no doubt be highly use- ful to him ns a practising Lawyer in Texas, & as it will be more likely· to reach him by being placed under cover to you, he directed me to use your name for the purpose of securing for it a safe passport.- I reach'cl home about a week since, & am now engaged in making arrangements for my return to Texas in the foll- I contemplate being with you myself, the latter part of October, but think it doubtful whether my family will go out earlier than January, as it will be necessary for me to make some previous preparations for their reception.- _l\lrs. Wehh is much plcnsecl with the idea of residing in a Country where she. will again meet man_v, whom she had known & loved in early life- It would afford me much grntificution to hear from you- I am anxious to learn how things gencrnlly are progressing, & shall be par- ticularly so, to know the result of the election- I cannot for a mmnent entertain n doubt of your success by an overwhelming majority but still, I shall feel somewhat restless untill it is procalimed- ' The Captain tells me he is waiting & I must close- :i\ly respects to Mr. Roberts & to ~fr. and :\'frs. Wilkins, & belie,·e me to he With sincere rt>gard Your friend & servt. JAMES \V1m11 [Addressed:] Honble :i\lirabenu B. Lamar Vice Prcsirl<'nt of Tcxn~ Houston- Texas- Care of )fessrs. Cal<lwell & Truefa~t New Orleans (Endorsed:] Jas. Webb. 4 Angst- 1838

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