and the last was written in febuary which stated that he was Ishuing Comissary under Col. Fannin at Goliad There is no doubt but he sheared the fate of the rest at that fatal place which will long be re- membere>d as the greatest feat of barbarity that was ever exibitecl. He hns left a Wife and one little Child which had he have li,·ed would have been the c·oml'ort of his olcl age, and I wish to k11ow whether there is any laml comeing to theme, or whether they are entitled to a11y or not and how much for his serris<'s as a soldier :rn<l gin, me information how to take possession of it lf you con<leccnd to Comply with my rn- que::t do it as quck as possible and direct your letter to ~lill<'clgcville Georgia ::\Tost respectfully yours TIIEODOCIUS F. TunK [Addressed:] Hon. j\farabeau. B. Lamar Houston Texas. [Endorsed:] l\fr. Theodoes F Turk Macon Cty, Ala 12th. June 1838 Wants information &c
No. 741. H. P. WATSON TO LA1\lAR
Talladega Alabama June 12th. '38
Genrl. LAM.All Sm,
I was informed, a short time since, by my young friend ~fr. Loury recently from Tc:ras, that you have not yet furnished yourself with a secretary to transact your private business: And that you are a11xious to procure one. Permit me to say to you, that I am as anxious now, to accept the appointment to that office, as I was last June when you left me in Perry. And further, that I was in perfect readiness to accompany you, on your return last fall, and should haYe do11e so, had you returned by ?ifr. Ow·ry's, as we anticipated when you left Perry. But as you did not return that way, and particularly as you did not write to me, whether you had engaged another, or not, l\fr. Curry & myself both thought it inadvisable to go depending on, or in expectation of securing that office. I was deterecl from going in the capacity of an Attorney at Law, from the conceived fact, that the country was filled with young profe_ssional men. That the number was too great compared with the farmers- the more permanent portion of the community. If you are unfurnished with a secretary when you receive this com- munication do me the farnur to address a letter to me, at Talladega Alabama, informing me of the :fact, & the prospects of my securing that office, by corning on early in the fa11, or sooner if necessary. Write to me immediately 011 reception of this epistle, as I shall remain dis- engaged until I hear from you. Sir, I had the pleasure of meeting with yonr ;\[other, Sister, & little daughter, a few wc:c•ks i,ince, while on a vi:;it to_ my frienc~ _& patron Mr. C11rry's They were immediately from Gcorgta: 011 a ns1t to l\fr. Curry's, where the_v exp<'c:te1l to r<'main a fc,r wcf'k::;. ~[r. Currys fam- ily were in good llf'alth. ::\Ir. John Jemison, & Lady ulso met your mother & daughter there.
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