The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V





l\Jatagorda ['rexas] June 8. 1839

M. B. LAMAR. DEAn Fnrnxo

I wrote you i1 few days since informing you of my arrival &c and requesting to visit this place if possible-as I shall leave this place for the West in the course of 10 days, and would like your company; as I think your presence would have a very beneficial effect on the people. rshall visit San Antonio and all the principal Towns in the \Vest, and it will afford us a fine opportunity of rnaking know[n] our ✓ claims to the people. •rrul_y your friend A. C. HORTON [Addressed:] Genl. 1\L B. Lamar Houston [Endorsed:] A C Horton :Matagorda June 8th. 1838 No. 738. AGREE:MENT OF WILLIAM BALDRIDGE AND J Al\IES KNIGHT Where. as it appears to us that Walter White deceased acted in part as the agent of J B Lynch in purchasing a half league of land on Oyster creek from J W Williamson in April last, & that said half league was a joint purchase between W C White & J B Lynch. We hereby obligate ourselves (the consent of the court of probate being first obtained) to make legal titles within a twelve month from this date for one half of above mentioned tract of land to such citizen of Texas as aforesaid J B Lynch, or his legal representatives shall desig- nate. 'rhe half league to be divided as equally as possible between J B. Lynch, & the estate of W. C. White by referees appointed by us, & by said J B Lynch or his legal representati,·e. this our conditional contract to take effect proYided J B. Lynch shall on seeing the lnnd above re[er'd to agree to accept of it, & return to us the land of Walter C \\'hite in which he (W. C W) obligated himself to J B Lynch for amount of the purchase money W:M. B ALDRIDGE, Adrur W C White deceased JAMES KNIGHT Universal Partner Columbia [Texas] 11th 1838 r Added in different hand:] Whites land left with F Gray for Taylor- to be given up to Knight on receiving titles for the 4th league & 1107 [ii legible] or the 300 acres on Brazos ref~rd to Webbs ac- quainted in part with the circumstances.

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)Iacon County Ala. U. S. June 12th 18~8 I-fo1>:0RED Srn the i<lear has entered my head that you would be the proper person to give me suc-h information as I wish to a,:k. or nt h·ast you would be more able to do it I had a step Father b_v the name of Green B. Thl<'hnnnn who left Mil- ledgeville in 1835 in Cpt. Wards Compy for '.L'exns anti arrived there about the first of January 18~fi we rct'ei,·ed severnl letters from him

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