The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V




To The Honorable J\l r hnIAR Secretary at War Texas .Sm

A citizen of Baltimore, :Maryland, named James Stewart, volun- teered to fight the battles of your infant Republic- He served under Captain Snell as his friend here have been informed. Information has been received of his death at the hospital in Velasco, in December, 1836. Re has left two sons here entirely dependent on his wife's mother- the one nearly ele,·en & the other nine years of age. These children look to Texas as the home of their fortune and in years to come may become valuable citizens. Their friends think them entitled to the land which their father, had he liYed, would have received from _your government, according to the stipulations entered into with all volunteers. My object in trobling you at present is to ascertain what land they are entitled to?- what steps may be necessary to substan- tiate their claim?- and a11 and every particular connected therewith. I do this nt request of friends who have heard much of Texan liber- ality and whom I have thought it my duty to advise to seek for all information prior to incurring expense without an absolute certainty of succeeding in their enterprise- I trust you will pardon me for the trouble I give you and accept my warmest wishes for the peace and continued advancement of the Republic of which you are an officer and my best respects for yourself individually- I remain, sir, l\lost Respectfully Your Obdt. Servt. Baltimore Md. May 19th 1838 ABNER NEAL [Addressed:] To The Ron. l\fr. Lamar Secretary at War Houston Texas [Endorsed:] A Neil Baltimore 9 l\Iay 1_838

No. 735. R. E. B. BAYLOR TO LAl\J AR

)fobile June 7th. 1838

DEAR Sm 'l'he bearer of this is a nfr. White he visits Texas to Yiew the country and make sale of certain merchandize he has, this Gentleman is an industrious and respectable mechanic, could ~'OU hold out inducements sufficiently strong for him to settle at the seat of Government it will no <louLt be gl'eatly to his future interest and b<' adding another to your valuable and enterprising citizens- To you he will look for ad- vice, and I know you will give it him mo~t cheerful1y- I cannot close this hasty scrap of a letter without congratulating you on your certain Election to the Presidency of tlw Republic. N eYer had any country so many openings to happine~i: a:: Texas all It wants is virtue and inteligeur·e at the hearl of affair:: to mak1• It what God a11<l nature designer! it to he one of the !inr;.t portio11~ of tlw tilohc-, that thi~ may Le the cm:c- llea,·en Urant. Hespec:ll'ully Your Friend n. E. B. B.\YJ.on.

I Adllre::sl'd :·1 llo11: ~r B. Lamar Huston Tc-xas- 1 E11dorsecl:] E B Baylor )lobilc- 7th. J unc Prirnte

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