I>.u•Ens o~· M111,\UF.AU BuoNAPAnTE LAMAR 185· the rif'k yourself as he had done when they <'ame into his hands &c. When he had gone thro, .Joel observed that he only wanted to know what he meant to do in the case. If he cho5e to rcexchange the bills, well, i [ not that he should obey his brothers instructions which, from what had come to light, might be less agreaLle to him than refunding the money & assumiHg as much indifference as the other had afrected, tur1w<l off to leave him. Secoll(l thoughts however suggested to the gentl<'man that tlw asiest and Lest wav to settle this business was to refund the mone_y which is enclosed. ~[r. Huntington will inform you about the sale of the ground below town. It was bid off at $2650.00 by )Ir. Dacon who has failed to pay the money. You will judge what ultNior course to pursue. I am doing what I can to get off with my house frame, some lumber & provisions with the negroes about the end of this month. I aim to go directly to live oak point, but if I cannot get a vessel for that place I shall come to Galveston & after- wards be governed by circumstances. Unless otherwise instructed I shall bring Davy along with me if I determine on the latter rout. We: are all well. Your father . W. ROBERTS [Addressed:] Samuel A. Roberts Esqr. Houston Texas By favor of lllr Huntington rEndorsed: l Dr. Wm. Roberts to S A Roberts Mobile 12 :May 183& Private-
Forsyth Georgia May 13th 1838
Mr. M. B. LAM:AR.
DEAn Sm believing .i.t to be the best means by which I may ascertain whether the claim has been laid on Capt. \Yilliam Wadsworth's land,. I have taken the liberty by the advicP. of General Rutherford to write to you requesting the favour of you to let me know. It is known to- yon know douLt of Capt. Wadsworth being killed or Ma.~sacred with Col Fannings men in Texas, you will confer a singular favour on me- if you will ascertain whether his Fat}lcr has laid the claim if he has or has not be so good as to write to me informing me, if laid or not if it is not laid I wish vou would be so kind as to inform me how to proceed to lay it as he ~~as a Brother to my wife and he hns only one moorc Brother and he is a minor write me how much land there will be in his bounty if you should write to me by mail direct your letter to Forsyth Monroe Cty. Georgia if it will be convenient write to me- by Mr. Foster the barer of this letter as he will be coming back imme- diately to Georgia- I am yours &C, JAl!ES A. MAYS.
rAddressed:] :Mr. i\l. B. Lamar By i\[r P. Foster [Endorsed:] J A Mays Forsythe Geo 13 ~lay 1838.
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