~mquire of you what he was entitled to for his said service & how far it enures to his representatives and please have the goodness to inform me in detail what course I shall adopt before I visit 'fexas what proof will be required of me to establish that I am his brother and what other circumstances on my part will be required to enable me to recover the same if it can be obtained & what will be the probable expense This I have ventured to do without having any claim on you sa\'ing _your character for philanthropy & that you as well as me are a Georgian which I hope will accept my excuse for the intrusion and will answer this so soon os opportunity will permit. With the highest respect I am your Obt humble sert STEPHEN SMITH P S I am pot able to specify the particulars of the Company my brother served in but have been informed .M B Tatom was also an officer in said Company & thot they were attached to Ward's Bat. The par- ticulars you con ascertain In complying with the request herein con- tained you will confer a favor [on] one who stand in much need of your assistance Yrs S. S. [Addressed:] n[ B Lamar Vice Presdt. Texas. Care of Sarni B Riker N Orleans [Endorsed:] Stephen Smith Wetumpka Ala Apl 13- 1838-enquiers for W A Smith-
Mobile April 14th 1838
Instead of writing, I expected to have left here to day for Texas- I_have been waiting for my Fathers return hoping he would arrive in time for me to transact some little business which can only be done when we are both at home, and as he did not get here until last night I find it impossible to prepare for a final departure in one day, I regret this excedingly, but will be compelled to controul my impatience for a few days longer- If, when I am ready to start, no other opportunity immediately offers, I shall go up to Nachitoches and take a laud jour- ney-you may therefore expect me certainly about the 1st l\Iay- :i\Iy Fathers, has, as I expected returned with a fixed resolution to emigrate, and I am happy to find that my sisters, instead of objecting to our pro- posed change of residence, are equally anxious for our speedy removal- They all, or at least a part of them write to you hy this days mail and will spenk for thenu:l'lves- I am trnly delighted to hear, that the only opposition you had to fear (and. I never feared him,) has consented to decline for the first office and accept a nomination for the second, This was undoubtedly his wisest plan, as well as the best for you- He is undoubtedly a man of talent ancl one too of high moral character and undoubted worth, and will enable ~-ou, with the assistance of a good Cabinet, to commence your administraiion, with, not only the confidenee of TPxas, but with that of the Unitetl States- You sec I speak of your elevation as a thing certain as in fact I have always considered it, 8ince I last saw you all(] without fiattery; to you f may be permitecl to say, that I i:iow regard the the [sic] speedy settlement of many difficulties agamst
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