The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



people strugling to Emancipate herself from the Despotism of semi barbarous Masters, and take a noble stand among the Independent Nations of the Earth....,..which thanks be to the Goods [sic] She is now enjoying-on my return to the United States- I found my business in Confusion worse than coufounded, clients had transfered as a matter, of course their business to others- .And from heavy losses by miss- placed confidence and Indorsements, my property squanclere<l to to r sic 1 fatten a faithless agent & pay others debts- Hence it was that tho I had netermined to make your delightful country my future home )ly return was procrnstenated for months, In the mean time I fell in (love), my passion was reciprocated by An Amiable & intelligent Young Lady, whom I can now call :Mine and :\line only- But this step so far from causing me to abandon the idea of becoming a Citizen of your Republic has on the contrary increased tenfold my desire- not having niarried a Mississippi "heiress" but simply a sweet com- panion for life-the sudden decline of real Estate, in consequence of the severity of the "Money pressure," together with the above men- tioned causes, has left me little else than the small stock of intellectual capital, & limited legal learning wherewith to provide for l\'Iy Wife & little ones- The question there'fore is, Can you encourage me to come over immediately- In other words can you assure me a certainty of making enough to support myself and little family in humble decency, until by a sober life, and persevering & assiduous attention to my pro- fession, I shall be enabled to gather together a small surplus of the goods of fortune- Here my profession has ever yealded me something more than my contingent Expense have required- Therefore before I determine to remove I should like to have some reasonable assurance of at least a respectable support in hopes of Eventually realizing some- thing more- The duty I owe to my Wife, and the prospects of an increasing family should cause me to be not unmindful or regardless of the future-The delicate state of ?i[ rs Riddles health, being inclined to con- sump_tion has caused me to remorn from the upper part of the State where I formerly resided, And I haYe determined to locate perma- nently nowhere until I fin<l out what are the reasonable hopes of suc- cess among you- & therefore have troubled you with this letter, I have given ~frs Riddle such favourable, tho' true accounts of the beauty of your Country, and solubriety of your Italian climate that in hopes of again tasting the bliss of health she is more than anxious to go and become a Texian, if compatible with my pecuniary intrest- If your duties will permit I shall be gratified to receh-e an answer soon, as I will await its arrival a reasonable time ere I think of any other place of location- I deeply regreat that the absence of the Hon. J. P. Henderson hm; rendererl it necessary for me to indulge so much in self praise & E~otism. The Hon Branch T Archer can inform you of the Stock whence I sprang-and I can bring with me certificates of our Supreme & Circuit Judges as to a respectable quantum of talent, and as being considered somewhat abo\'e mediocrity among mC'mbers of the bar of my own age-28 years- Politicks here seem high, I fear the time here has anfred when you must look into the pockits of the people for their patrioti:;m, They seem determined to sell their lib- erties to Nick Biddle for his trash- I hope you have seen Calhouns

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