PAPEHS OF ~f rnA11E:\U BuONAPARTE L,nun 179 "l\lr Ronham goes out to Texas to ascertain whether his late Brother was entitled to any Bounty, or other lands, for his services not only for himself, but in behalf of a widowed :Mother & Sister- He is one of our finest and most promising young men- any serdces you may render him, or kindness you may sho,~ him will be most highly appreciated by myself- I remain with esteem very respectfully My dear Sir & faithfully Yours- J. H,UCILTON [Addressed:] Hon Mirabeau Lamar Vice President of Texas Favd by i\I. Bonham Es rEndorsecl:] Introduction of nfr Bonham by Genl Hambleton 4th. Apl. 1838-
I I 1 t ~ l I I I '
No. 704. LA)fAR TO .i\fRS. JANE LONG
Mrs. LONG DEAR nfAD:\:i\f,
The foregoing specimen sheets:?.'.? of the history of your husband's expNlition into this country, embracing the tenth chapter of a pub- lication which I wish to make, is intended solely for your re,·ision and correction, nncl not drsignecl for general circulation. You will per- ceiYc that I ha,·e paid Yery little attention to style, but when fully prepared for publication, it shall appear in a better dress. )fy object in sending it to you in print rather than in manuscript, is to enable you to make the necessary corrections with greater accuracy, and more case to yourself. I may po!"sibly pursue the same course with the remaining chapters; and under no circumstancrs will I publish any part of the General's history against yom- approbation. Your friend, .i\L B. L. Houston, April 7, 1838.
No. 708. JOSEPH RIDDLE, JR. TO LA)[AR United States of America Woodville Wilkinson Cty State of )fississippi
April 12th A D 18:18
Inasmuch as it was not my good fortune when I Yisited your Coun- try during her struggle for Independence, to have been the bearer of a letter of introduction to yourself, I shall again be compelled, as I did formerly at Brnzoria, to obtrnde my acquaintance on you- but hope the motiYe which induces me so to do, will constitute an ample apology- I had the honor of :-::erYing in an humble sphere in your trallant little army, for nearly one year- I nbanclone1l the mo~t luern- tivc practice of any ~·otmg Lawyer of the Same leg-al ng-e and limited attainment in this State, as the record of our courts, nml yom· min- ister to Englund can testify to lend my feeble nid to an oppre:-:-ctl
""The specimen sheets referred to nrc n part oi Ko. i03. 8cc Vol. II, pp. 51-134.
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