Ti,;x.\s ST.\'l'E LrnnAR\"
Charge as tl1ey did five years ago. Of all the world this class 1 hate For one good reason, which I'll sta~e; 'Tis simpl)' this, they're too "!'uch hke A little bird we call the snipe; The~• fnrnur in their feature strong For both have bills tremendous long.- And after all it doth appear There's nothing new but a New Year. I am too fast-on second view, I find that I have something new. A nother dandy came to town, Last Christmas day, in high hon ton. A sprightly youtl1, quite neat and tight As rockets" tall and l1ead as light; \Yith broadcloth coat and breeches too And little jacket bound in blue; His rufiles deck'd with breast pin bright That glitters like the source of light; But by mv books I've oft been told That o.ll {1·hich glitters i11 not gold. His beaver's cocked in foppery's vricle, On corner of his skull one side, For fear it should his ringlets spoil Dressed sweetlv in 1lacassor oil. With his right hand he swings his chain, And in l1is left a long sword cane, From which he'd draw the polish'd steel, And bra1·ely-run off by the heel. And who is he, this flaming star? A coxcomb licensed to the bnr, Frolicking round in folly's whirls, Scorned by men, admired by girls. With brass heel boots he struts in court, Under his arm a large report, His long gree1l b11_q with papers full, More in the satchel than his scull. He bas a speech well memorised, Which lie to any case applies So when he spoitts 'tis with the ease Of him who thundered to the seas, United comes on the evhlence, \\"hich cools his fire of elocp1ence: There ends his speech-invain he tries On rhetoric's wings again to rise; He flutters flounds and fain would soar, His pinions rropt, he sails no more; He rose like eagle O'er tlte fowl, But tumhlcd headlong like an owl. 0 cease dull sir to prate your law. Go hew the [wood and waler] draw, Lay Blackstone't1 Commentaries down And take up Aesop an<l Tom Thumb. Now pause we here a while to tell What at n country <lance befell, In Chrislma.; limes, at father Grumpus' Wh~re they cul a dreadful rumpus. Ile lil·es three miles from Doctor Sneak, On what is ralled the rackoon creek, In cabin built of swnmp oak strong,
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