P.\PEHS OF .:\[rn.\1m:\U UuoxAPARTE huuu
the Title, please write me on Receipt of this If you wish to sell the Girl Caroline I will emleaYour to <lo so if you state the price. I think it will be to your advantage to sell her. I remain very Respectfully Yr friend S,HlUEL C. DOUGLASS l think :i\Tr Hoskins will be willing to buy the Girl also. When will you visit Brazoria f Addressed: ·1 General ::\T. B. Lamar Houston I E11dorsc<l :J Saml Douglass Brazoria 12 :.\Ich 1838
No. 686.
Fort Bend, [Texas,l :March 3 18[38]
Gen. ::\L B. L.uIAn DEAR Sm
I saw sticking to the Telegraph emidiately under the parting kiss, & a piece written as a continuation of the parting kiss & your name sined, the piece is of such a nature, that you woul<l do well to come and see it- & that emidiatelv I shall . leave on tomorrow for the United States, or I would call "and see you in person, I ha,·e left the coppy with l\Crs Long & the author named So you can trace it with out much trouble l\lrs Long seems very anxious for you to come over & give the gentleman his just dues, I am sorry that cann't be with you Your friend Tuoil. R STIFF f Addressed:] Genl- ::\T. B Lamar Houston Texas [Endorsed:] Thos R Stiff l\Ich 3rd 1838
No. 688.
ROBERT El\rl\TETT BLEDSOE BAYLOR TO LA:iIAR :;\fobile :March 5th 1838.
DEAR Sm, The IJparer ol' this is Col Hinton of Alabama, he visits your country with the Yiew of sPttleing in the Republic of Texas, and to settle and adjust some claims he has from his friends relative [to] Lands &c. The charac-tcr and standing of this Gentleman will be his own best recom- mendation. It however gives me great pleasure to add my humble teastamoney to the talents, and worth of Col. H. may I therefore ask the favour of you to render him such aid, as may be in your power, and to make his stay amonghst you as agreeable as possible- In conclusion let me hope that the claims of my lamentNl relation Dr. John W. Baylor may not be over looked by yonr Rcpublic- From the exposure, suff<>ring, and sacrifices he made for the Liberty and Independence of Texas, together with his untimely end l must believe your Pountry will <lo justice io his memory, and amplely reward his little hrothPrs and sistPrs, who are now Fathcrlcs~. Col. Hinton has the name of the heirs of Dr. Baylor and can explain every thing about this matter, with feelings of Kind remembraucr I remain Respectfully Your Friencl R. E. B.\ YI.Ott
f Addressed : 1 Hon. l\[ B. Lamar H nston n. '.l'exns. l'Endorsed :] R g Baylor :ifobile 5 :ilch 18~!8-
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