back to Texas or not. I lrnve ever regardetl that Country as my future home and Consiquently I feel a clcep Solisitude nnd anxiety for her Welfair, and as I ha,·e rep<.'ted I shall be there hefore long. as I never Could recconsile it to my feelings to remain in this after exsperiC'ncing the great Atlrnntages resulting from that Country) I speake from An- t.icipation (this i!! no Country for Enterprice Compard with that. after going through the nbore Scribble permit again to urge an answer to the Same if this e,·er reachrs you I will 1~onclucle hy Subscribing my self Your Obcl Serv & & s. w. LA1\lAR [Addressed:] care o·f the Texan Agent New Orleans Gen ?IL B. Lamar Houston City Texas [Endorsed :] S. \V. Lamar mt Vernon Illinois 11th. Feb 1838 No. 678. THOnfAS WILLIAM WARD TO JOHN BIRDSALL
Houston Febry 2 lth. 1838
Friend Doby will hand you this for the purpoi'e of ascertaining your opinion in regard to the parties claiming Land under the first part of section twenty nine. the l>oanl of La11d commissioners differ in opinion as regards the meaning and Renee of the word arrin~1l, a part of the hoart.1 being of opinion that the party claiming mu::;t have actually arri,•ed anti lauclccl on the soil of Texas to claim and s<.'cure· his laud as above stated, now the question is this. a person ha\·ing recd. a commission and was actively employed in the United States & his not having arrived or landed in Texas untill after the 1st A ugst. 1836, and hm·ing recd. pay from the elate of his c:ommission from the govt. of Texas, shoultl he be debarred from the quantity of land ~iven to the Volunteers in that part of the sec:tion mentioned above, and if so what should be his quantum Very Respec:tfully Yours TH08. W)L WARD f A<lclresf:ed :] 'I'o The Honourable John Birdsall Present rEndorsetl :1 Thos. W. Ward Feb 28-1838 respecting Land Claims Xo. 682. JA11ES WEBB TO LA)lAR Key West, Florida, I )[arch 18:38 )ly DEAn Srn Sine<.' I hacl the pl<.'a,.:ure of seeing null co1wcrsing with you in ~fobil<.', I have thought much of Texas, & the many nttrac·timrn which it. pre- l'ents to thr rmi.!!rant. Tn<leecl, :;o muc-h ha,·<.' I rctlec-tC'rl upon this :-ub- jrc:t. that I haYr almo:::t madr up m~· mirnl., oil<·(• 111orr to try my for- t111w,: i11 n JH•w 1rorld.- .\ Countn·. with a .-11il ,-o l'Prtilr. a 1·li111atr ,.:o mild ,t l11•11 ;~ 11a11t. & :tll at11111,.:j1hPrl' :-o jllll"l', would lie• i11\·iting 11ndt•J" .111110-r illl\" i"11nn or ( ;ll\"l'l'llllll'ttr: 11111 \l"itl'll to th1':'I' ad n 111tn!YP,.:, i:-- ,.:11p1•radd1·cl tl; P in ..-timal,I., 1J11i-. of a 1;on·rn11w11t or law:.:. foitndC'<l hr a p1•11pl1· 1i11cl1·r:.:1,111di11g tl11• t 1·111· pri111·ipl1•,- of lihrriy. &. C'npahle or ai1prt•c ·ia 1i11!! it:.: L.. 11Plit::; I 1·:111 imma!,!itH.' llotltin:.! morp d<'i'irahlt•.-
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