The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



Xo. G70. \\"I LLIAi\[ J . )II'l'CHBLT, TO LA:\IAil

)IilledgeYille L Ceorgia·I 31st January 1838

Sm Ii ii: with t'Xll'1•1111· r0lul'ta1H·t• l rrouhle wiih Lhi:;_, but K11owing your readinc,;s to a~:-: i:;t· a111l aid ihe tli,;trc::,:setl emboldcrn; m1.•. Yon an· i11.-q11aintcd with :\Lr,;. )[ills my co111-i11 who rnanit•<l a man by name .\ugu:;tin0 Par::ons and who removed wit.h her a ::,:hort time after her ma1·riagc to Cahaba s\labama, he there left her a11cl her in- fant child atHl carried off her property with which he bought goods and established himself,iu Franklin )lissouri where he again married a daughter of a Doctor Sappington, as soon ns 11otice of hi,; where about was obtained sufficient evidence was ~ent to :\Lis:eouri to conYic:t of him of the Crime of Bigamy, arnl he only c,;caped merited pu11ish- ment by the act of :\Iissouri Limiting stH:h adions to two years. he has since been in Texns & reported here that he is and that prop- erty has been left in the hands or under the Control ol' Genl. Houston to 'the amount or 'l'h rec 'l'hou:;and dolln rs an action was insti tu te<l in Franklin agni11,;t. Par,;011!> f'or the amount of money he carried off and Judgement obtained to about $6000. Col. :\Iarmadukc who marric<l also a daughter of Dr. Sappingtons (n sister of Parsons second wife) is already or will shortly be in 'fexas any Information you can obtain can he !'ent by him to my Brother Dr. B. B. )litcht>ll from whom he ca11 reauily receive it. any expense that may be incurred will be cheerfully allowed, shoultl legal steps be nece,-sar~· for the rereipt of the 11111otmt in Genl. Houstons hands and Exemplification of the east> will he procurrcl and s0nt as you may <lo us the kindness to direct An Early ,\nswer to this is Respt>ctfully solicitctl. Very Respectfully Your Ohdt Scrvt · W:.r J. :\hTcnEr.r. [Addressed:] G0ul. l\I. Lamar 'l'exa,;- rEmlorsed :l W. ~- )Iitchell )Iillicl:re\"ille f:eo- ;a Jay 1838 Claims of Au;.!u:,;tus l',n;:ous *:woo ldt in GP11l Horn-tons Han~ls &c

S.-UIL'EL ALEX.\Xl)l,:n HOnJW'l'S 'l'O LA:\f AR ).Iohile Feby 8th 1S:38

No. 672.


'l'honrns ~lcAllister II fn•c man or color will p:o out i11 c-ornpan_v with ~Ir Huntington & will harnl you this letter- I IH1,·p kno\\·11 Thomas for !hr la::! Pl0n.'ll \'(•ar,;, a11tl he i,- well known to all the oltl t:iti7.ens of -:\lobile as re11111rkal,l" for his inh•lli!!·t•11c·c ilHlusiry & :;trid honesty- He goe,; out at m_,. ree:omme1Hlatio11 to l,ettPr his forttme, and I have particularly a1hi~t•1! him to go first to you, thinking you miµ:ht 11eecl some one tu l'ak"!!c or rnur lwu,-,·holcl all:air:--011<• who (•oulcl make your p11rcha:-P:: /!t't uj', a111i' aftP111I to your di111H•r,- (_p:1rii(·11larl.,· ,rhen yo11 ha\'e c·om1i:111y) a11cl k,•t·p c•n•ry th i11~ al,011t you i11 orcl .. r 1r y,111 ll(•r,l :-t11·h a 111:n1 1 :1111 c·o11ficlc•11r , ·1111 1·1111 lind 110 CJIH' mon• r·o111pPtt•11r to t Iii' t,1,-k- 11,• ha,- h1 •1·11 li1·a; I \\"a ill'r i11 ~p,·pra I l,1rg,. H oll•I~ in ~lohil,· &: !'or 1111• la:-r rour \'ear:- :--tl',ntrd 011 1,oanl or the IH•4 piu•kf't Steam Boal,; 0 11 tht• .\lahan;a at a ,-alary of *; ::i. pet· month- a11d i11

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