The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

1 rEXAS ST.\'fE LrnR,\RY



I Translation from the French] zi To His Excellenc,· )hRAilEAU LA:-.rARE

Vice President of the Republic of Texas Impelleu by my destiny to come to the aid of a nation whic·h· by its own strength has shaken off the yoke; I have sharcll my li fc in the Bi\'ouacs with the children of Lihcrty; Republican myself, I hall come to the Firm iuteutious of sustaining the efforts of the Patriots, even to the last drop of my blood. But foday I have become a Citizen by the laws and by right. I shall return under the Texan standard when the war trumpet shall sound. I am going to retire peacefully in the midst of good farmers to dwell in the simple retreat, to bury the ploughshare in a fertile soil that was for too long a time watered by the blood of the brave friends of the Republic- This country is new. There is much to be clone in politics; but your wisdom is There! ! 1 am not a flatterer, and I hate flatterers; but I love Republicans. You are the one man for the·country!! Within your hands are the destinies of Texas- Ob! Lamare-- oh! our friend-! ! I say our friend, because you have numerous friends- When the sound of the trumpet shall call me to the field of battle we shall be able to leave the wild woods, the green plnins, nnd guided by the star of liberty, we shall be able again to show to the people the manner of freeing themselves ! To the man of our country!!- To the Republican Lamare ! ! By a PATRIOT [In English:] Man of your country;you are the heart of Texas- you are the Friend of Texas,-and you shall he our friend- TnE TEXIA.N-


)fus.ko.kee Bluff Ferry Lake [Texas] 2d January 1838


A few days ago I landed at this place, with Several Families, from Alabama lJ.S and haw selected settlements, in the neighbourhood, I have Brt. with me; an Excellent set of surveying instruments and should he glnd to accept of any appointment in that Line that your GoYernment would confer, I hn,·e tnken the liberty of writing you, being the only acquaintnnre of note, I haYe in the ProYince. i\l_yself nnd those with me are willing to conform with eYery[ ?] & all law an<l usuages which the Government may require. The Com- pany entreat me, haYing some acquaintance with you, to write us giv- ing the out Line:;, of what we are goYerned by nnd their rights in Re- lation to land, haYing permanently settled in the Country. Your ln~t d!-it i11 (~eorgin, I entemkcl of haYing Yisitecl you; but was

::11 am indebted to :'lli,;s Knthcrinc \\"hcatlcy, Adjunct Professor of Romance Languages, Unh·crsity of Tcxns, for assistance in the translation.

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