The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

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growth- But as my ;.:ituation and starnling- as a Cadet, arc now good, :rnd my pro!-pc<.:ts in my 0\\'11 eountry fair, 1 ,lo not deem it prudent to turn from the U. :-;tates, without hcing assured of a good beginning here.- There arc sc,·cral wealthy., and hi;.d1ly rc:,;pedal,lc families in New England, who would remo,·c to this climate, ·which has been rep- resented to th<•m ·as hcill.~ so genial, prnvidcd those rC'presentations are co11finnccl by people or their a<..:quaintance, and shoultl I remain here, it would Le my study to i11duce those families to st•itle in this country, that would be ornamental to it.- Should yon he pleased to write me Hir, hy retum of mniJ, in repJ_r to this, you will greaily oblige me, as I am anxious to return, or decide 011 remaining in 'J.'pxas as soon as possible. I have the honor Sir, to he with g1·eat respeet Your Ub't Sv't C. )1. H.\ILE U. S. Corps of Cadets It is my intention to rC'turn soou, to :New Orleans, to wait the pleas- ure of those gentlemen in Tcxa!:', to whom I have been introduced by letter. C. "\[. HAILE [Addre:':,;cd :] .lion. . ,r. Lamar Vice President of the Republic of Texas Houston Texas. No. 635. WfN.F.JELD ~CO'I"l' SHERWOOD •ro LA:\fAR Kingsbury, Washington Co. N. Y. Dec. 12th. 1837 Uen. )[. B. L,UrAR: Sm,- Although u11known to you, anxiety urges me to direct this to yourself. I had a brother, John P. Sherwood who was a portrait painter for some time in Macon, C:a. He wrote in l\farch last from New Orleans stating that he was then on the eve of departure for Houston, Texas. and remarked that he was ,.:omewhat acquainted with yourself & a Judge Franklin formerly of )[aeon, also that our family could direct letters to him through your care. I hin-e sl'nt se,·eral ldters & papC'rs hut ha\'e l'l'Cd 110 answer & c.:oncluding that something serious must haYe happened to him_. or othern·isc he would ha\'e writtC'n to me I take the liberty of addrC's,.:ing- you upon the subje<:t. If you know any thing, Sir, concerning his '·weal or wo·' \\'ill you plea:::e drop me a line and by that greatly obli~c 1111 anxious family including- Yours most Respec-tfully \\'IX.FlELD 8COTT :-iJ I EIIWO()l) rAddressecl :1 Gen. )[ortimer B. Lamar (Vice Prcsi<lmt) Hou:-:ton. Texas. care of J. Brent Clark 'l'l'xia11 r\gC'nt nt NPw OrlC'ans. . fF.ndorsed :1 Ll'tter of Winkfield Sc-ott Sl1C'rwo0tl Ki11g:-:lmry \\'a~h- mgton December 12, 18:37. ~o. G:3,'. THO:\1.-\S C.-\YCE TO L.-\JlAH Ho~omm Srn I with pleusurc inform you my f,;plf & Fanll'l_r nm in llenlth. & hope, this will fill(] you t•11joyi11~ tllC' :-inmc Shear t•I' FPli:;ity, this will

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