of the means to arri,·c at a consummation of my purposes and my strug- gles pa,::-;ed unhecclcd. I hacl no friend to step forward ancl aid me in the enterprise. Unless some friend in the kindness of his heart or the promJ)ting-<; or hi~ t'rienclship is persuacled to aclrnncc me the means upon Rhort i11dulgcnce, that I may be cnahled to· purcha,:c the entire iutercst ; I nrn!'-t -withdraw my attentions ancl assistance from the Con- cern. The proportion or profits which accrue to my investment arc too trifling ancl climinuti,·e to justify the labours of intense application & perpetual confinement. Parclon me it' T conjure you to honor me with a friendly letter. I am very young and hut little skilled in the practical and daily concerns of life. The admonitions or your wise expcriencc will be most gratefully ap- preciated, the more so as I feel so f'trong a[dmiration for?] your char- acter ancl reputation- I feel proud in the m;surnnce of your countenance & friencl,:hip. r cannot but cxprc"s to you that I am sensible of the proml pmi11<'11c-e you occupy in this Republic, you arc dear to every 'I'exian and rntary of liberty, your name is blcndcd with the most dis- tinguished events of our Republican Annals. 'l'his iR not uttPrNl in thr spirit of flattery: I scorn the passion- I must again impress it upon you to write me- I will forward you the next Bull: of Dec Gth that yon judge or the style & merits of my productions With Sentiments or the moRt distinguished. Respect Your friend & obt Servant J ,.\MES S. J OXES r Addressed:] Cenl ~Tirabeau. B. Lamar Vice President of the Re- public of Texas Houston Politeness of Mr 1'father
No. 629. THOi\fAS CAYCE TO L.AlfAR
Gulf Prarie [Texas] Deem the 6th. 1837
Gen. LA::\L\R,
ITIT.EY E:a;TE.nrnn Fnrnxo, this \\·ill not be veary unexpecl to you, as I cxprc:t you have bin made aCCJuainted with a trnsaction, that ha,·c taken place lwfween my ~elf & .:\IPssm·z :\fartin & Tailor, two Youn:r :'IIC>n of your a CCjtrni 11 tan cc from Columbia J orgia I rec\·ecl a l<'t tcr n few days Since that you were the bearer of, from S[r. Tailor it is true. )fr. )lartin hacl not hi,; name signe<l to it by him Self, but he was mentioned by Tailor, who appears to be riter of the letter. I should be glad to Sec you 011 the Subject of thosc letter to me; infact I wold be glnd to no from you tharr Trur Chnrncter & standing in Society, & thal'e mil worth ns to Property matters- for I confess I had formed a \'Carey exalted opinion of thof'e young- :'lien from the fact of tharc keeping- Company with your Sc-If & )Tajor Rrad, & had not the most cli:-t:111t lclPa tlw_v wolcl drr-P;n·rd mc- i11 t·hart> Contrnc•t,:- it mn~· & prohhahilit_y i:: 11 matter ol' fuc-t, t hn t T np,·c-r Shon Id hn n• trn,-tecl tlto::t' YoUll!! :\1 I'll to S111·h u la l'!!P amntlll 1, hail T not ha n• known thr,· warp r;·il'lld:: or \'Oil r:-: ,~· t lt:t t th~,- wan• l:,111111 :\l:1t1•,: a,: it w,11·1'. ,rl,ili• \'OU \\"lll"i' in l:r.i'ze1ri:1. I ,:11p- po:-:~d. "" :-;,re -Ii tli1•y warl' (;1•11th•1111•11. & _,:t•at hop" I 11111 1101 111i:-:t:tk,•11 or at 11•:1:-t ,ra~ 11ot : i11 t ha 1·t· c·o1111e1·t,,11: t lw ( '0111 rad wold :--,•:1111 ,,, a gr<'at 1111111t•y J\•oplP to lui II lran1 0111• 011 1:ia1·,, part-l,111 it i~ 11ot :O::o. i I i,-; 011 lt•y * 1 O pN .:\t·n•. for what I 1·011:-1•a r,• ,., l1l' 1111,• of the
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