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Present me Kindly to the President to whom however I will write if opportunity offers- Yours truly-Tnos- [Addressed:] Honble M. B. Lamar Vice President Houston Rep Texas- No. 599. LA)fAR TO "MANY CITIZENS OF :MOBILE" 10 [About September 30, 1837] Your polite and fh1ttering letter of the 28th. Inst. was handed to me on yesterday evening. I am truly grateful to the Citizens of :Mobile for the honor they extend me by the tender of a public dinner at such time as may suit my convenience. My departure from this City will be delayed till the middle of the next week and I cheerfully accept the invitation to dine with the hospitable Citizens of }Iobile on )londay, the 2nd day of October. Among the gentlemen, whose names are appemled to the letter of invitation in behalf of "}fan)' Citizens of ~fobile" I recognize :-:cYeral old and tried friends, of the land of my nativity, the recollection of whom awakes some of the most delightful reminiscences of early lifo and carry me back to scenes of intense interest to live over the inci- dents of the most cherished spot upon memory's waste. Among others I recognize the names of the most distinguished sons of Alnba111a, who have stood by their own country in the hour of peril and who ~ave their supplie,; and their generous sympathies to the great stru.~~le of Texian independence, which has been achieved and recognized by the mother of our liberties. You refer in your letter to the battle of San Jacinto which, like the siege 0£ York Town, terminated the sanguinary conflict between the Mexican government and the freemen of Texas. It is the pride of my bosom, as a scion of the American soil, to dwell upon the 8cenes of the Hernlution, which garn hirth to the liberties of the United Hcpub- licks of "·hirh it is your honor still to he Citizens- and as the peo- .p)e of 1:'exas were followers of the example set us by Washington and Ju::: patriot army- they still felt that the kindre1l 8park of liberty was warm in the>ir hosoms- they determinell to a man, altho' few in 1rnm- ber and badly provided with the implements of war not to brin_g con- tempt or disgrace upou the name of an ".\merican Citizen/' a111l t.he_v rnllie,1 with the stern resolves of freemen under the spread :Ea_g-le, the proud embl~rn of your own liberty and pledged "their lives, their prop- erty & their s1u:re1l honor" to achieve the independe11c.:e of 'l'cxm; or perish in the struggle. &C &C.
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":\. Df. of \r. . J. -lone~ .
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