The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

156 TEXAS ST,\TE LrnnAnY I think I ran do with some degree of clearness and prec1sl0n. It was commenced by Col l\Iilton himself, and enquired of me, Whilst I was in Mobile last :;\lay, as to your general standing- in Texas; to which I replied that it was Yery fair- that you were looked upon there as a brave honorable and energetic young man: n C'haracter which I en- dorsed at the time with my individual opinion. He then asked me if you were not. in the habit of gambling? T told him that I really ·did not know- that I had neYer heard of your cloing it- hut that it was possibly you might occasionally bet as the practice was almo;,t univer- sal. Herc we parted, without my knowing that the enquiry sprang from any other feelirig than the interest he took in your welfare as an old acquaintance. On renewing the 1·01wersatio11 however the next clay, he told me that you were paying your addresses to hi:,: sister, hut that he un<lrrstood you were or had been a gambler by profession, which seemed to be an nnsnperable difficulty with him. I observed that he had nothing to apprehend on that score- that I was confi- dent, if you ever had sported at all, it could not have been beyond what was costomary with nearly all the members of the Bar whilst on the circuit; for I was laboring uncler the impre::sion that you were a lawyer by profession, in wlfrch it seems that I was mistaken. I further remarked that if the idea of your being a gambler was the only ob:-taele to an union with his sister, that that was of no weight, for I did not consider vou such a character; and in conclusion J observed that you were no{r laying the foundation of both fortune and honor- able distinction in Texas; and expressed my full confidence in your principles &. ultimate success. Such was my conversation in substance with Col. )lilton. So far from attempting to throw Ollium on your character, I labored to produce the oppo:-itc result: and cannot recal to mind a single expression or wonl used hv nw ealc:u lated to leave any other impression than a farnrable one· to you. You will please send a Copy of this to Col )[ilton- ancl [ clouht 11ot that he sanction what I have written. Yours respectfully- )[. B LA)L\lt j ,\d,Iressrcl :] l'ol. Heuben Brown !'resent. l Endorsed:] Letter of nl. B Lamar Columbus :-:;ept 10th. 1837 Xo. 5!!:.?. P. H. S)IE.\11 TO L,DlAH

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Augusta (Cleo). Sept. 13. 1 s:r;',.

Genl. )I B LA'.\rAn Trxai::

DEAR Sm I hm·e made up my mill(! to emigrate to Texas., with my family. JJro,ided ,,ufficirnt i11clucemr11t;; arl:' offered, and wish you immediately on rrceipt of thi~, to ,rrite me explni11i11g your dews. or the Country Jnlly-:-ay the prohahility of auothl•r war ,rith \f exic·o-the health of th,• l ·011111 r_,·. thr :-,oc·iety gl'nerally- the prospc•d,; of making m111w,\'. - anal 111111,- 11dri.~1· yrnrmll!J-

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