every species of revolution and violence, and was deposed. Pedrazza succeeded, and he was violently removed, and Guerrero placed in his office. Guerrero was scarcely warm in his seat, when Bustamente put him to death, and was named President in his pince. Bustamente had scarcely organized the GoYcrnment, when Santa Anna set a most bloody revolution on foot, and removed Bui:;tamente. All this while, the American settlers in Texas were tranquil, im- proving their lands, and Yery content uncler the Constitution, and had not a single )I cxican soldier in their country. Santa Anna abolished the Constitution-dissolved the republican Uovernment-electcd him- ~clf Dictator-turned the Texian Legislature out of doors- impris- oned the Governor-demanded all the arms of the inhabitants-violated all their civil and personal rights, and sent an army to oppress and subdue them. In this position, precisely similar to the condition of American patriots in 1776, the citizens of Texas took up arms, de- clared themselves sovereign and independent of Mexico, and sealed that indept>ndence with the best blood of their fellow citizens, at Goliad, the Alamo, and the glorious plains of San Jacinto-drove out the enemy, captured their tyrant leader, and drove the whole Mexican force beyond the Rio del Norte, over which they will not again repass. And this the ReYerend ~r r. Channing calls "robbing a realm"!!I No. 590. KERLIN COOK AND WILLIAM HUGHES TO LAi\lAR Macon Sept 7th. 1837 Mr. LAMAR Sm as Thomas Wood is going to your Country for thee purpus of Lowcating Some Clames and has a power from John Loving to Low Cate J. S. Lovins land I want you to doe this favior for me as I am thee only air that is alive Protest against any of his acts Sow fair as J. S. Loving Clame is Concened I make this request as you will be at thee Land ofice as Soon as he Can as hea will Starte this night. you Can only Say to the offersers of that office that hea has not the proper power to act in this Case this favior I ask of you and in Sow doing you will Save for me a great deal of trouble Yours with Respect · KERLIN CooK \VJLLIAM HUGHES [Addressed:] Gen M. B. Lamar Columbus Ga [Endorsed:] Letter of Kerlin Cooke and Wm. Hughes Sept 10 1837. No. 59l. LAJfAR TO REUBEN BROWN
Columbus [Georgia] 10 Septr 1837.
You tell me that my name hns been given to yon, hy Col. ,Tohn Mpton as the author of a report that you were in the habit of !,!"am- bh~g. As this reference to me is doubtless prcdirntNl upon a com~r- sat10u which took place between Col. ?llilton nncl 111,r:-l•lf in relation to you, I beg learc to state the substnncr. of thnt con\'er::ntion, which
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