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P.\l'Ens OP )lrn.\BEAt: Bvo:-:AP.\11n; LAMAH
Talbotton, [GeorgiaJ a\ugust 25th. 1837 .
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:'II r. ] Iunt and m_y;;;elf ldt )Jacon on 'L'nesday last & entirely forgot to ll'are :,;omc instruc.:tiom-: i'or rnu rl'lati,·e to our Texas Claims. I had 1111H·l1 ra I h<'r io ha rn :-l•eu ~-ou before you went on to Texas, we would IJL• glad (if when you gl•t horn<' and find it necei::sar_y for an administration 011 our i-on:,; Estate) you would 1·on1lll<'ll<'e an a,lminis- tral ion 011 their estates :Hy sons 11auie wai; ,Joseph A Stovall and wonld ha,e 1,ceu t\\·l'11ty-011e years old i11 IJeePlllhrr a.rter he was killed. .\Ir. 111111ts Son's .\"ame was Frnnl·is )I H1111t, he was upward:- of Twenty one y1·ars old when he was killed, he would be glad you would write to us as swoon as you get home, a(l(I find out. what will be necessary for us to do, and whe11 the land otlice will be open, & what steps we should take to obtain our ('(aims, plea,:e girn us all the i1rntruetions whic·h may be 11ecessary for us to ohtaiu our Claims and who would be their legal heirs &c. By Complying with the above request you will Uonfer a 8ingular farnur on your Friend and Humble Sent. &c. f c\drlrC'SSCll: I Honl. )[. B. Lamar )facoll Gl'orgia I. Endorsed :J Letter of Josh Sto\"ehall 'l'alburton Augt 25. 1837' ~o. !;88. ''TE:-;:As,·, EDITORIAL IN THE EVENING STAR jNC'wspaper clipping] f New York, New York,l Setember 1, 1837 The Re,·ere111l :\Ir. Channing has aclrlressecl a long letter to Mr. Clay ngai11st aclrnitti11g- Texns into the Fnion. When will thC'se reverend ge11th·nwn C'<':lS<' to 1,r politicians? whr11 will the_y gi,·e up using the pulpit a:-: a m<'rc c·o,·C'r to political ,·iew,;? when will they faithfully an<l CX(·lu!>irely 1lcrntl' thrm:,:clres to the care <•f nw11·:-: :-:ouls, nnd lea n ~ nil ohjeds cd prirnt<• alld pul,lic intf.'rest to the co11t.rol of those appointed for thC' purposf.'? It is 11 griernus task to he eompellecl to fight both Church and State, and )Ir. Channing ha:,: hC'ell sutlirif.'ntly mischievous in his i11terfere1H·e 011 tlw ~la,·e 11u1>stioll. withnnt his broaching other intPrdiC'tNl suhjt•d:,:. He :-:cems to pr<'af'h any thing else than "peace Oil l':trth nrnl good will imrnnls mnn.'' In hi:-: lettl'r, the reverend politi<:ian sa,·:,:: •':-iome t·rime,;. Lv their nuwnitll(le. ham II to111·h of the s11hlime; llnd to this •lignit_r the t1eiz11r; of Texas 1,y our 1·itizen,-; i:-; C'nt it INI. ~lotlC'rn timC's furnish 110 example of individual rapine on so g-rnnd u >'C'nle. It i,; nothinJ! h•,;s than the rohuery of a realm. The pirnte seiz1•s ll ship. Thi' 1·olonistt1 and thC'ir 1·oadj11tor,-; •·1111 ,-atisf.r themselves •·ith nothin).! ,-hurt of an C'lll('in•. Tht•y have left their .:\11glo-~nxon anC'e;stors bchill(l tht•m. Thos1• harharian,-; 1·onfornwd to the n111xims of their a;.w. to the rucle l'C•cle 11f nation,-; i11 tinw of thicke,-t h1·11then <larkrw,-;,1. Tlwv inn1ded E1w)all(I 11111h•r tlll'ir ,-un•n•ign", 11ml with the ,-11111'- tion of the /.d<;omy religion °of the North. But it is in tl l'ivilized H)!I', and amid,,t reli11e111cnts of nrn1111ers; it is amidst the light,- of ,-;1•iC'nc£' 11111I the ll'a1·h• ing,-; of Christianity. nmidst exposithm,-; of the law· of nation$ 11111I ,,11fo1Tl'm1mti< of the lnw of 11nin•r,-1d Ion•. nmiclst i11:-;i111111tions of rl'liJ.!ion. IC'nrning. und h11ma11it;v, thnt the robhcr.\' of TC'xa;; hui; found its instrument~. lt i:-; from a
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