I can tell you how it was with me when I was there. & do me the favor to tell me if i can have some insurance from my past clangers & hardships in the 'l'exian Service. I went there with the hope to soon enjoy the reward of our own troops in ,·ictory & entire success, but soon saw the sad re\'erse. I shall cYer regret as I know you llo, the slow movement of our army, which caused me to waste away my ~trength in neutral measures when we might have reapr<l down the paltry Jiexi- callS, with the quick scythe of death. I took sick with the fever dis- sentary & irregularity of camp and found twould be the safest for my health to leave it. I clout expect to venture so far again, without greater means, ·in money, and never be mortified with the slavishness of being in a large army as ours, and neYer use them, our arms I was in three days march of the battle ground, not being able to reach for bad roads from Nacogds, We were in No 50 & were exposed to all dangers by defeat. I marrh after the battle with a foot company till I took my distemper and my "three months sen·ice" I neglected to take the title by not ha,·in~ discharge from my Re,·eral ollicers, having by accident in my route, lost one of them I will thank you to write me, ere you leaYe if I can get them, by your agency, or not, and if you succeed for me send the lawful title by mail, or write, if not, and if you think it advantageous select my bounty & have it surYeyed & God give you speed, Write if you please, how the soldiers get land by lottery or unocupied land at their choice. Wher the Land is & Tis, time of close in heat enough to dose if not in poetry tis dullest prose. Remain as ever your actual friend & freeman [ ?l Wl\I. l\1 BORDERS [Addressed:] Gen }f. B Lamar, Vice Pres. Texas Macon G-a [Endorsed:] Letter of W. l\L Borders Harris Co Hamilton July 12th 1837 No. 575. CITIZENS OF MACON, GEORGIA TO LAMAR )facon July 14th. 18~7 To Genl. )I. B. L,nrAn. ) & Hon B. C :Fn.ANKLIN ) GENTLE:Y:E.,.'s, In behalf of the citizens of iiacon, we beg leaYe to convey to you the feelings of warm plea~ure and gratification, with which the whole community sees you again in their midst after your long separation from us in the serYice of a great and noble cause. During the whole period of your absence, your friends and country- men have kept their eyes and hearts anxiously fixed on your career. They have sympathise deeply anc1 unremittingly with the struggles 3:nd perills of Texas, your acldopted country, and they have with the pnde and partiality of Georgians, remarked and dwelt upon the heroic anrf distinguished part which numerous sons of Geor~ia have acted in the eventful an<l soul trying <·ontest. ~[any that have gone from among us have ne\'er returned and we shall see them no more, Their blood has sunk into the Virgin soil of Texas; and made, rife with reccollections sacred and enkinclling to e\'ery Georgian bosom, In reference to your- seh'es a better fate has awaited us. It is our happiness to behold you again to rejoice with you at the tryumphs which have attended the ar-
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