The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



will attribute my delinquency to any other cause than a want of proper respect- Indeed gentlemen nothing but the high regard which I en- tertain for you individually and a desire to conform to the will of my personal friends could induce me to receiYe such honors as your partiality would tender me so far beyond my own conccptio;1 of my claims to pubic attention- I shall leave this place for your City tomorrow in the Peoples line & will be at Mr. Bailey's on thursday evening, where I shall tarry the night and be happy the next day to meet any of my friends from l\[acon-

(l\ImADEAu B. LA:lIAR]

No. 573. A. B. REID TO LAMAR

Brownsville :Monroe Co. Ga July 11th. 1837


Through the medium of the publick prints I have learned that you are in Georgia. I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance; with you though I have seen you a few times: Once on a publick occa- sion in the town of Forsyth, and once subsequent to that time at the same place,- when a dinner was given -to l\[r. Berrien. My object in addressing you at this time is to ascertain whether or not there is any chance to receive employment in Texas in the business of Surveying. My situation· in life is moderately comfortable though I ha,·e a large and increasing family. So much so that it will be impossible to pro- cure my children a settlement of land in this section of country. I have therefore thoughts of visiting Tt>xas with that view, but do not wish to purchase until I see it. If I could be proffitable employed during the winter & Spring, I would be enabled to Sir, and better pre- pared to make a selection. I have a fine compass, chain l~, No"· on hand. As to my qualifications, I will say that I understand Sur\'eying in the plane way only. It is possible you are not at this time pre- pared to give me a11_y definite answer: Should you not be, when you return to your adopted country you can procure every information re- spec·ting me- from 1\Ir. Renhen R Hrown who formerly residetl near me- An answer to this will be thankfully receiYed. With ewry wisli for your personal happiness, and the success of the country in who:;;e cause you haYe embarked. I Subscribe myself Yonrs &C. A. B. HEID f Addressed:] Genl. )I. B. Lamar Vice President of Texas )Jae-on Georgia [Endorsed:] Letter from A. B. Reid July 11th. 18:lr;'


WILLIA)[ ".\f. BORDERS TO LA1fAR Harris, Co. Hamilton [Georgia] July 12th JS;n

No. 57-1.

Gen. LAJ\L\R Dn. Sm

Not heing farnrNl to :-l'l' ~·on as I ,·.-i,:hrc1, so <li,:tingni,:]l(•cl a ;!111',-t. at home & nbroacl J now write Yon nn- remrmlirirn<·<'. of yo111· 1°01 nic•r farnr to Ill(' in your granting me hy tl1e (li;:c•hargr of tlif' ~:iliilll'l rrnm the army of 'ft>xn;: to return horn<', and r<•qne;;t yonr flll'tlwr n•.~nrd to inform me about tlw certainty of getting- po~;:e:,:-:ion & title to Ln11d.

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