'Macon July 9th 1837.
DEAR BROTHER. A certain number of Oentlemen as the organ o[ the citi,:ens of this place, atlclressed you a letter some time last week to which you have not as yet responded. I hope you will do so without another moments delay as some degree of surprise is beginning to be felt and expressed at your unusual silence. The people here have e,·ery <lisposition properly to appreciate your merit, and are anxious to give you such a reception as shall signally display their high respect and admiration of your character. Their wishes :;hould not be lightly regarded, an<l I trust that the arrange- ments indicated in the letter of the Committee will meet your ready acquiescence, though I am aware it will subject you to more or less inconvenience- but this should be a minor consideration. 111 very great haste. Yrs. affectionately Tuos. R. L,nIAR [Addressed:] Genl. :Mirabeau B Lamar. Columbus. Georgia rEndorsed :] Letter of 'l'hos. R. Lamar ?,lacon July 9. 1837.
~larion. Ala. July 11. 1837
The very favorable impression you have made wherever you have risited makes me re~ret that I did not accompany you from the start. Dr. C Fletcher, and others here, having had no lHevious notice of m.,· visit are unprepared to take any scrip, and my only hope now is, that your return will not he long ,lelayell as the intcre:-ts of the coun- try seem to requirer ?l it. aml I think that my operation:-would be llltu.:h fa<-ilitatrcl hy it alr,;o. If I 1·ould be as!'nred o[ your return in al1011t 10 rla_r,.: I would rC'main in or near Selma with the hope of mect- itit rou. when I c:-ould <'ffl'rt th<' sale o[ a considerable amt of Scrip, l ·11:i°rP hrarrl nothing further from T1•xas since l left yon having been trarellin!! e,·er :-inre. I hare taken passage in the stage for Selma & ~hall Jca,•e in 2 or 3 hours With a hope ol' seeing you or having a letter from you soon- I remain Your Friend & Obt Sert E. HALL r Addr('s::rd :l 11011. :'II. R. Lamar Care of E1litor of the Enquirer Columhu!.'. <:co p~rnlor~e,l :l 1.l'ttPr of R. Hall, July 11th 1837-:\farion ~o. .ji2. LA)L\B 1'0 U:iAAC G. SEY~IOCTI .\ND OTHERS Columbus [Gcorgial July I Ith. tS:17. GEXTLE)lEX I should reel ol,li;.:c•d to nrnk,, many apolo~ic,.: if yon ,rL'l\' :-:tr1111gcrs, for m.,· rPmi~,:Jle,.:,: in an,.:,n•ri n;.r >"oltl" truly ki n,1 a 11d fl:1 t tcri 11g 110t-c of thl• 1st in:-t. 1,ut lic•i11g- nil of yn11 my prirntc friends I know that you
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