hum ancl nil the ac-c-usi11g spirits of the .:\la1110 allCl Golia,1 arounrl me- then will J plPa<l_. :111<1 who ~hall protect him! th<'n will T ~peak tlnrn- der-tonguecl with II damning Ploquence ngninst him; th<'n sha II my worrli: fall like the ~tone )lountnin 011 the heart, and weigh him, down to the ,lmnnntion of a thou~and hells. l'.ntil then my friP11<ls let m: be contc>nt. .:\llcl if thc>rc> he prc>:;ent here> any who have son:-: or friend~ or brothers who5e .dust is floating in the winds of Bexar-whose bones are sleeping in the tomh nt Goliad; or if there he yet a mice of lemen- tntion hPnrd in Rama- if there he n Rachael who will Hot lw com- forted bec·nu::e her rl~ildren are not; 0, let me ponr the hal 111 of eon- $Olution on the wounclc>d spirit by pointing to the bright star that rose over Bethlehem and went down on Calvary- You ma_y reacl in the story of that Star the high rewards of martyrdom- a happy im- mortality of soul nnd a glorious immortality of fame. [Endorsed:] Lamar's Speech at a public dinner given in his honor at Columbus Ga-
-. Cnhawba [Georgia] July 4th. 1837
Gen. LAlUR Dn Srn,
I ha,·e left )f nrion nml i:hall spend the summer here-whenf'e I shall drop clown to )fobile nbout Sept. I haYe just rehtrn<'ll from a pretty rural celebration of the day- in the good olrl Republican style of a Bnrbacue on the other side of the Cahawba river. I write to you at this time merely to say to you- that whenever you make arrange- ment<; with regard to the ei'tablishrnent of our press in Texas, you will address me at this place- I remain Sir Yours Respectfully Tnos. w ILSON No. 568. FR01[ THE COLUMBUS :ENQUIRER [Copy-extract] [Columbus, Georgia l Thursday Morning, July 6th, 1837. IonlTlr OF JULY AT CoLulrnus This ever memornhle clay was rPlc>hratecl in om city, with the spirit that becomei: the clescenclnntil of the revolutionary patriots. At 'i111 early hour, the thm1<ler of the <lec>p-mouthe,l c·annon aimotm1·ccl that the> National ,TnhilPe had come. In the forenoon, the two Volunteer Compnniei' were sren in motio11, the stirring music of the fi l'e ancl rlrum wns heard. citizc>ni: from thC' cotintry rame hastily in, and ever_,· thing gaw pleni:ing i11di(·ntion, of whnt the> result pro,·ecl, thnt nil felt the same spirit a11cl were> more<I b_,. the same worthy moti,·e. The procr;;sion formr,1 in front of the> Oglethorpe House_, and marchecl to th<' )lethoclii't C'lnm·h. whic-h wai' lillP1l alreadv ln· the Laclics. Such an ai:i'Pmlila!!c> of th" hra11tr and 1'11irnlrv of t"hc ·c·ih· and it::; Yieiuity hn!-11ot llC'c>II ,rillll'~~<•rl, ]ll'~hnl,ly, ~inr·P the i'ettlPmci'1t of the eountr~•. 'l'he Thru11P of r.rnf'e wail n1l<lre;:;:Nl hv ReL Dr. Picrc·c, thL• Declnrn- tion of In1lc>peuclenre rc>ncl by Hemy L. Benning, Esq., an<l an Ora-
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