The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



TF.xAs ST.\TF. LrnnAnY

the subject of Religion, it was at once resolYed to arre::t thci r onwar<l march by stopping the t.ide of emigration. Acconli11_gly on the G April 1830 a law was pal,sed prohibiting the further admission of Norlh Americans into the country; leaving the door of cmi~rntiou ope11 to the people or all other 1111tions. In this unjust decree and invidious distinction, the· Amerirnn:; could read nothing el::e than n settled hos- tility on the part of )Icxico io their prosperity nncl welfare. For the purpose of enforcing this decree, and more effertually to subject the State to arbitrary rule, military po:-:ts were <'!-tahlishetl in rnrions sec- tions of the country., 'rhese garrisons soon became insulting to the people and dictatoriaJ'•to the puhlic authoritie!-, bidding defian<:e to the laws, and trampling on im1ividua1 rights, until their outrn.!.!<'S rose to such a magnitude that the community hail to ri::e in their majesty and strength and gh-e to them a decisiYe and indignant expul~ion. This was <lone in 1832 and was the beginning of the cliitli.culties between the two countries. In the mean while )lexico was tome to by internal faction and civil discord. lncleed she Juul enjoyed no peare or repose from the elate of her Jnclepenilence.. .-\ perpetual warfare had been kept up hetwren the Hepuhlic:un und Aristocratic parties. It was whilst thP former or these were in power that the AmeriC'an Constitution was a,~opted in )lexico; but so soon as they were 1rnt down by their rivals and their influence destroyed, the first thing which the Aristocratic aucl Church party did on coming into power, was to resoh·e, with the apostate Santanna at their head, to destroy the l'eclerath·e system and erect on its ruins, a. Central or consolidated empire with all power con- centratecl in their fa,·orite leu<ler. This leader, the base deserter of all principles except the most vicious, backed and sustained by the mili~ary and the Priesthood, commenced operations by, seizing on the publtc Treasury, banishing the President of the Republic, destroying the 8tate Legislahtres an1l finally turning the national congress out of doors and substituting another composed of creatures of his own selec- tion. .-\gaiu~t the1-e \'iolent anrl high-handed mea:;1tre!';, and obvious clrsi)!n of rha11ging the g"o,·ernment from Republic to that of )[onarl"hy, some of the more e11li1.d1ten<>d and independent States warmly ancl sole11111ly protr,;ted; amongst which Zaccri.tecas was one and Texas ,,·ns anotlu•r. 'Phr formrr was soon OYerrun. The tnant inrnc1ed her with an orerwhelming force, ::preacling dessolation iu· his march and lcaYing Ian1i11e in tlw rl'ar. 'l'hiil State wns looked upon as the last prop of the :'iO<·ial L•11ilire; 11111 being How effectually crushed, it ouly remaiiieu for n full 11r-,·omplishment of the tyrant's purposes that hi:; hanner shoul'.I ware o,·er clernlecl 'l'exas as triumphantly us it hacl Llone over bleedrn; ZarC'atern:-:. This he COll(•ei,·ed <:oultl he eai;ily effec:ted the m<>re tn,-k of a ,Jay: nn,1 dq111te,1 to the in t'erna1 job the same ruthless sohli1,n· who.~l' hand:; ,1·1•rr. :-till reeki1w with the blood of their own . n fell0\r-,·011nlryrnr11. Thu:- !,!(•ntlemrn ~·on p<>n'<' i\'C~ that T exa~ :-:ought not "·ar: it wa,- for<·l'cl upon her. ~uh111i:;sio11, thP mo::t ah.k<:t. and humiliatin!.! \\'ot1ld HOt ha,<• :-:arL•d lwr from the wrath of the Tyrant; for Iii:-: w,i:- II war ol' PXll'l'lllill:1tio11. with no alh•rnati,·e to t!H' nm<>ri- (•a11s ex,·<'pl C'Xpt1l~ion from the 1·01111try or total extinction. l·nder tlw:-C' tir,·11111:-:ta111·L•:- wn,- ::he not t•ntitle1l to the sympnthie.:- of the gen-


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