Brazoria March 15. 1837
DEAR GENL. The Steamer ''Y ello,v Stone" will leave in a few hours direct for Fort Bend,- at ·which place, I ha,·e been informed you were 1 - I have written you repeatedly, & presume from the fact of re- ceiving no answer, that you never recd. them. I have only time to say to you, that I am now &· will continue at this place, u11t.ill I see you.- I am anxious to do so- :My business is such as loudly calls for an interview.- I have letters & some of them of a trnly private character for you- If 'tis not convenient for you to visit Brazoria shortly, and will write me- I will come immediately to you- I have been to Columbia-Saw Genl. Houston- Reported myself- &C.-irartin & Taylor, from Columbus, have accompanied me out- I have gotten situations for them both, in the Paymaster's Depart- ment- All things monng on, here, in their wonted sphere- I hope to see, or hear from you immediately- Yours Respectfully Wl\I. D. REDD P S Should a favourable oportunity of land purcase present itself embrace it as I am authorized to contract without limit REDD [Addressed:] Hon. 1\L B. Lamar Vice President of Texas Houston Steamer [Endorsed:] Letter of Wm. D. Redd Brazoria March 18. 1837.
:Marion, Perry Ala. nfarch 20th. 1837
Soon after my landing in Mobile I wrote you a letter addressd to Columbus, Ga. (about a month ago), in relation to the establishment of our Press at Houston- presuming that you were at that place- Not having as yet receivd an answer from you, ancl having left Mobile, and come up the country to Cahawba, some 8 or 10 clays after I wrote, with instructions to a friend to trammit the letter from you if one should arriYe-I haYe been extremely anxious to hear from you on the subject- I am left in cloubt as to your locus - I was at .My friends Judge Ezekiel Pickens near Selma the other day, where I saw young ?l[r. Noble who h~d arrived some weeks hefore from So. Caro- lina, who informd )le that he saw your arrival in Augusta announcd in a paper of that place- but presto the scene changed on yesterday and left you still in 'fcxas- and "rumor with her thousand tongnes"- has ~-ou bound hand & foot by the Silken clwin, of Hymen!!- I saw :i\[r. Kendrick, from )[atagonla, who came through :Marion in the Stage who said it was the report in X. Or. I wrote ~-on in regard to our Press that n first rate elegant Office could be procurd. at Cincinnatti at lj;2,000 or 2,200 and that I ,yould be enauled to put in from 7 to *800- and that it would be advisable to get it in operation as ~oon as possible- I ha,·e publishd ~Ty. P1·os- peclus in )Io bile in the upper country (changd. the subscnpbon to
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