PAPEns OF :i\rm,rnF.AF BuoNAP.\RTE LA~un
wicked cease from troubling and the wean· are at rest."- :;\fy infant diecl. only a month afle1· her Father jn tile last year I hinl.! inucetl experience,] a hea,·y trial of fortitude, hut Goel has been the staff of my com fort! though roil of my chasteniug:- and I bow resigncd.- W hen )Ir Ta tern left for Texas, his circumstances were extremely de- raugcd: and hc.,th his creditors, aucl deblo1·s, have taken advantage as they often do, ot' his widows unprotected situation. I wish to trouble you to interest your seH in geting my claims for t11e land belonging to my Husband and Brothers settled as soon as possible, and located in a favourable situation;- it is my intention to sell as soon as a favourable opportunity offer so a ~reat deal will depend 011 the location;- I send a power of Attorney to Capt Duncan- 1'l r J P Tresrnnt informed me that there wonld be an adclitional recompence to the heirs of those noble, but unfortunate persons who fell in Fanning's faletl band- You wil1 confer a great favour by attending to my request, and 1eting me hear the result as soon as possible I feel most acutely, that I am taken an unwarrantable liberty in making this request, but trust to the goodness of your heart to excnse it, a11 I have to offer in return is a widows blessing- Yours with respect C. C. TATEll rAddressed:] . l\reri\Jeau Lamar- Columbia Texas care of Thomas Toby & Co New Orleans La [Endorsed:] Letter from C. C. Tatem l\robile ~larch 6th 1837
Sparta Ga :March 14th 1837
l\l. B. hnun, Vice President &c Columbia, Texas. DEAR sm.
)l_v brother James H Saunders who was first n prirnte and after- warrls a commissary in the Georgia Battalion under Col. Jas W. Fannin and who i::: :::aicl to han> perished with Fannin at the Alamo as it is k110wn that he went with Fannin a11cl has not bePn lH•nrcl ot' ~inre as I know of he has 110w i11 this place three Children their )!other being dead and 110 property left tliem as their Father was here a poor man; I understand that my brother is entitled to Lancl in 'l'rxas and as I am the legal qualified ~uardian of his orphan C'hil1ln•11 I wish to acquire some information from whirh I c·,rn apply to the an- thoritie:-: of Texas in onlPr that I may get his bo11ntv of Land for hi:: orphan Children arnl ha,·ing 110 in th:it (·m1ntry l harn thought proprr to ask your kind aid in the mnttn if it i:-: not incom- patible with th<> high station which you 01·c·11p_y aucl in tht• p\·eut that your own aid c:annot he ohtain('(l pl!'a~e hnn1l it iuto tlw proper oflir-c that the tlesirecl information may l,p nc·quired m11l Oblige yo11r )fo:-:t oht 11n1l h11mhlc> :-:pn•ant LonTT :--.\r:,;n1rn, r A,lclrrssecl : l 1-T Oil. )I irauran R. Lamnr Vi<•t> Pn•,-i1lt•11t of 'l't>xas Columbia 'l'exas ( 'arc of the 'l'<>xinn .\µ-Pnt )Iew Orl<•an:-: rEndorsed :l Letter of )fr Saumlrr:-: ~Inn·h 1 Hh. to )f. B. Lamar Sparta Gu 1837
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