I will send by Blair & Yeclcler an order from Mr. Niles to Mr Allen for .the lot mentioned abo,·e pro\"ided you appro\"e of it- : cour:;c you have seen [him] before this, us he went out in the packet of the 15th. inst- Let him sc>e this letter- It will inform him what I am doi11g-- The fn111ily news of which [mutilated im]por- tanc:e, will be ·con,·eyed in the letters written by the girls to him & Hcuhe11- Tell him l h:t\"e sent 50 bu:,; potatoes in the Schooner they cost me dc>liYeretl $1.:jS- I merely bought them to help fill the schoo11cr ,rhich L was anxious for the present owners to get in order that they might run her a.s a regular packet to this place, which they they are to do- We hear of rumors of wars almost daily, but of no hlood shed- T take it for grnntctl there will be none until your a<lmi11istration, when I hope to claim your promise, a. ·regiment, in the inrnding army!- But I had forgotten you were all ilf alitia now. & elect your officers- n'importe I shall go at all events- You may look for me 1st April. books & Your friend SA::.\IL. .,.\ ROBERTS )[r Kiles' order for the lot mentioned in the \\ithin letter will be in- closed to ouc of the Allens-- I think he asks runch higher than lots are now worth in Houston & therefore would not close the bargain with him l look upon a residence at Houston as merely temporary in as nnwh ns the :-:eat of (~o\'t. must soon _go else where. and am there- fore, unwilling to invest much money in a lot,- But be sure to select a. lot C'om·<'nient to business- Some one I recollect offered to gi,·e me a 1qt if I would build on it-but I forgot who it was- are such offers e,·er made now-? [Added in different hand:] Dr. Roberts, Gen] Lamar request me to hand this to you.
[Addressed:] Gen! M B. Lamar Houston Texas [Endorsed:] S A Roberts )[obile J au 23/38
L-i Grange Feb'ry 24th 1837.
From the friendly intercourse which has ever existed between the La Mar & Fenell families I hope I may presume to ask a farnur from you though we i11clivi<lually may regard eacll other as strnngers- :i.\[y son .Augustus, a Ind in his sixteenth year being influenced partly by a schoolmate who nc·compnnied him, anrl the great excitement which the wnr with the :Mexicans has occasioned in this part of the country, has for:=:ake>n hi:=: parents nll(l home nnd flc<l to TC>xns with a huy, from appennrnce hut n little olclC'r thnn him:-:elf. Could you set-> the hPnrt- r~11ding anxiety, that his disappearnnc·e hn,: 01·r·a:-:io11<:cl i11 thr lto,.:0111 of his fn111ily. the pain and anguish with whi,·h hi,.: 11111thl'r hrar.J or his llepnrturr. I am pcr:-:11adecl thnt the good l"Pl'li11;.r,: of your 11at 111'1', \\"11111.f prompt yon to do tltnt. which woultl di:::-:ipate :-111'11 .!!ri,·1"- 'l'IH' l":l\·0111· that f \\"flllld n:-:k i:-:, that if he ::hould f((I IIC'HI' \"till Ill' ,.:hn11l.J \"llll hear of hint at any tinH•, pl,•:1:-:r> to ns:-i,:t 1~m in .Jrttill;! intn ln1~ilH.'.,s 01· r-ome ki11tl. whil·h ir it b(•lll'lit:-: him not. will at lP1H fll'l'\·c11t him from
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