The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



Columbus Georgia and Wm Ward was my Col and Dr. Warren J Mitchell Major of the Georgia Batallion. You will please if you have leisure to take the trouble writing to me and let me know how to Proceed and let me know what Congress did for our Poor Georgians you no doubt Recollert that l got my discharge the same time \\"m L Wilkerson of Cap U. J. Hullor-k' Company. Let me know what quan- tity of Land we Recieve or if anything was <lone for tho~c that were taken prisoners, for I surrendered when Col Ward did and was re- served as a Labourer I now reside in niobile. Please write me. The Florida war is not over I am yours •rruly ,ToHN C. P. KEXND[ORE You gave my dischare 28th )lay I believe [Addressed: M. B/ Lamar Vice President Rep Texas Columbia Texas- Care of ~Ir Widgen[ ?] [Endorsed:] Letter of ~lr Kennymore :Mobile Jany 1st. 1837' Xo. 530. 8,DIGEL A. ROBERTS TO LA1IAR Mobile Jany 23d 1837' DEAR GENERAL I lrnve been greatly disappointe<l at not hearing from you since my departure-The history of erery day is of !leep interest to me at this time & particularly since your tour through the country- You can now form a pretty correct idea, no doubt of your strength in the Re- public_. know who of the prominent men will support, & who oppose you, & more than all you must by this time know all the Candidates- All this would be news to me, & I can only excuse you for not writing on a ground which is not very flattering to wit, down-right laziness- Mais revenouns- The Schooner (I believe her name is Annie) by which this letter goes is owned by Messers Blair & Vedder who have tak~n out with them a bill of such articles as they think will suit the market, They purpose remaining in Texas & will do business there- They are both good builders & competent to do any work in their line- the_y have built a good many fine houses in 11obile & have done considerable work for me-upon the whole, I can recommend them as honest steady & industrious men & good citizens, such as I h."TIOW you want in Hous- ton- The Schooner takes out the frame of a house for me 1/2 story high 40 X 20. ft.- Blair & Vedder ha,e agreed to put it up, I am ~omcwhat [at a] loss where to build it- )Ir Niles offers me a lot be- tween the Capital & Mr Le Branch' house for $300. Is it cheap or dear?- eligable or or f sic] not?- I wish to have it built in some place convenient to business, so that I can keep my office there- I must leHe the selection of the lot to you- If you will take the trouble to giYe it a little attention- Have'nt you a lot or two? If you haYe perhaps ~-ou coul<l let me haYe one on reasonable terms- Anothrr H·hoonrr will leaw here in about ten clays freighted with nhont. 211.000 ft. lumber for me, ( Some for :Nile~ & some for Hunt- ington whom yon may ree:ollec-t a;: hein~ in onr family ) all(l groceries for Huntington- Hm1ti116to11 will preceecl her a few days to selec:t a Jot., to build a ware hou:;e on & to attend to the receipt of his goods-

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