Ps\PERS OF :\lmA1lEAU BuON.APAil1'E LAM,\Il 129 ing care to nnnex as many dicimals to your dividend as to your di- visor) will give the a<:res. 'l'o reduce yards to \·11ras ucl<l 8 per c:ent to the gi,·en number of yards. Or As J 00 is to I OH, so is the given number of y<ls to the nwn- ber of Varas required. To Heduce Yarns to Yards, deducted 7.-l07-!+ per cent from the girnn number of Varas; the remainder will be the yds required. Or- as 108: 100:: the given number of Varas to the yards required. 80 of Acres. 1nstead of the fixed di,·isor above, as the square of 108 is to the square of 100, so is the given number of square varas to to [sic] the required number of :;quare yard!-:, which reduce to acres. Example (108 X 108= 11664) 11664: 10000: :2:i.000000= 21433-liO= (100 X 100= 10000) 4428 A. L R. 2-1. 14. yds. [MEXICAN MEASURE EQUALIZED TO ENOUSH MEASURE BY SETH INGRAM] The Spanish Bar (Vara) contains three Geometrical feet. (See Col- onization Law) and the Geometrical foot is 11.1333+ inches English measure. I have made ·my c:hain ten Bars in length, to contain fifty links, which makes five Jinks to the Bar; and each link to contain 6.u8 inches English measure. The abo,·e construction will make a chain 27 feet 10 inches in length precisely, Engli:::h mensure. A square League (Sitio) contains 4446.13-1 acres= -1-!-l:6 aeres- 0 R.- 21 P. English measure. A Labor which is one thousand Bars square, cont11ins 177 A.- 3 R.- 1-1. P.- N.B. The Spanish Bar is 2 feet 9.-1 inches English measure.- Perhaps you had hettcr make the within calculation:; yourself, & that will satisfy you whether or not they are correct- San Felipe de Austin August 18th 182-1- (Signed) HETH INGRAM. The measure thus made out by Ingram was arlopted in the early surveys, and is probably recorded at San Filipe as the proper standard; But another measure made by l\lr. Kerr of De\Vitts & DeLeon's colony has been adopted in the latter surveys in Austin's Colony.- By Ingram's mensure, a League is made to consist of 4:J 6 acres o. H. :tl P- By Kerrs l\Ieasure it contain only 4428. acres 1 R. 2-J..R. 14 yds- [Endorsed :] :Memorandum furnished me by )fr. James Kerr
No. 524. JOI-IX C'. P. K.EN"NY:\£0RE TO L.-DCAR
l\fohile ,Jan 1st 18:17
)[y DEAR 8m T take the liberty or writing to you on the Subject of my C'lnim or rather ~[y discharge from the .-\rmy- I wish to know what steps to take so as to have it recognised so that I can ~ct ia:omc thing for )fy Six months Services I, belonged to Capt Wadworths Company from
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