The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V

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P,\PJ-:11s OF Mm,\llF.AU BuoNAPAHTE L,nIAR


LA~fAR [Houston? Texas, 18:!6 ?J

The Tarantula is a species of Spider found in ltaly, South America & some in ~Iexico- the bite is said to be deadl:Y but I know no evi- dcnl"e of its mortality. The Calabrians in Italy do not fear it, hold- ing it with i111pu11ity in their hands. 'l'he bite is supposed to be cured by music, and hence the origin of a noted <lance of Calabria called the Tciranlella, which is performed by two persons dancing opposite to c>ach other with their utmost vigor & violence of muscular exertion regarJing grace less than strength and extravagance. They dance like Goldsmiths country frolicks, "to tire each other down"- not preserv- ing however rural decorum, but plunging into rnlgarity and brutal excesses- [ Endorsed :] The "Tamntula"


[Velasco? Texas 1836 ?J Whilst the Govt. was at Saltillo, the Goverr was-Jose Ma Gorivar· and his Secretary's name was [blank'j The Lc-gislature re- moved from Salltilo to l\lonclover; Gorivar did not go; he refused to go; and the consequence was that the Legislature at Montclo,·er elected another Govr.-Marcial Borrego- Some of the members of the Legislature remained at Salltillo with Gorirnr, and the people f of] the place elected other members and formed [a] legislature there; so there were two Legislatures in Session at the same time one at Saltillo headed by Govr. Gorivar, and the other nt Monclover headed by Borrego- Cos who was Cominandant in that dept. placed a small military force on the road between the two, to prevent hostilities- A representation of affairs was made to the Ucnl. Govt. and a new election for Govr. was ordered, which resulted in the choice in Viesca- Viesca was carried to :Monterrey & there on n parole of honor- he was about 8 league!- distant on a Yisit to n Hacienda when thro' the agency of Col. Gonzales he made his escape & appenf. re]cl shortJy· ufter at Gonzales accompa11iecl hy Grant, Cameron & others- [Endorsecl :] Election of Viesca- .from Oe11I. Coss- No. 518. ~IISCELLANEOUS HlS'fORICAL NO'.rES. LA~fAl{ [Columbia? Texas 18:Hi?I The Constitution nd of .Tanuarr,r-1 :n-rn·2-l l'::'tuhlished the Stale:,; of the East-tomposcd of Conhuila Texas & New Leon- The Constituent Congress organized Coahula & TE>xns ns one State 7th. ~Inv .182-l-the Constitution was adopted -Ith 0f•tr. 182-1- It i:: ~011tcnde1l that 'rexas was admitted into the ConfPdcral:v nuder the ~uarnnt<'es of the Constitution :wt. :ft ,Jann· · B~1t it is contenrlcd that wlwn Tt>xi,s was a1i111ith•tl. it was 1111 fhc :-nme t<'rms of other :-tat<';; i:uhjl'd to tl11• :-:11111• nwthrnl of nd111itia11<:c into n Stntc•- '1'111_• Con:-tittw111 Law sa,·;; ::,u arti1·lt• ~th 1·lau:-1• The Co11H•ntio11 :-uppo5>c•il ,.._ i1111•11d1•d to !"<'<•(•ire T1•xas & { 'oahulia a~ 011c state with 1111 the priril<'.!!l':' 1·0111-cdl'd hy sp1•1·i11I laws. 'l'hP Con-

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