The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume V



ing, during the late war, built a fort on tl1e Alabama River, in which he, with almost all his neighbors and friends were massacreecl by the Indians, in 1813- His father Col Benj S Smoot, is also an old inhabitant, and one of our most respectable citizens, he was a gallant and distinguished officer in the Army of the U. S. and rendered him- self ,·cry popular, in this section of country by his active and efficient exertions in protecting the early settlers from Indian depredations, particularly during the last war with England- and young Smoot, himself, served with distinguished honor, during the late Creek War, as a Volunteer; he is young, and may, prehaps frequently, need the council & advise of t,hose whose maturer judgments and cooler heads may quallify them to restrain and temper his youthful mind- permit me to bespeak for him, your kind offices- The distinguished success which has crowned your exertions, in be- half of your adopted country- has been matter of exultation and joy to all your old acquaintance and friends, among which, dear sir, per- mit me to number and subscribe the name of Your obt Servt . CHARI.ES A. HENRY [Endorsed:] Charles A. Henry l\Iobile 1836


Saint Louis Oct 1 1836

General WM.AR DEAR Sm

Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance Mr Crittenden a young gentleman who has done every thing that can be done for the Texian Cause in this State I shall be in Texas this winter when I hope I shall have the honor of a short acquaintance with the Mexi.cans please address me at Mobile care of Sol Smith Your Obt Servt G L. LYONS [Addressed:] General M. B. Lamar. Vice President of Texas pr Mr Crittenden [Endorsed:] G. L. Lyons St Louis Octr. 1836


Anahuac [Texas] 11th. Oct. 1836.

Genl. :M. B. LAMAR, Dun Srn,

Dr Geo )£. Patrick, the bearer of this, who goes to Columbia on busi11ess, is legally authorized by me to close the contra.::t for the Sehr. Flash, prorided you have made up your mind to purchase her.- The transfer will hare to be made at the Custom House in N. Orleans, where it shall be properly done, to such agent as you may appoint, and the vessel delirered there immediately on her arrival.- I send with Dr Patrick my bond to make the title; and you can send your bond for the amt. of purchase, Say Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars for the Sehr. Flash, her tackle and apparel, and Boat. This includes

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